I won't go into consequences of a man being one or another personality type, I will just try to define the difference between the two.
- BBs are very clear and simple when it comes to sex: If you are attractive and I feel like I want to have some, I will, if you want to. No manipulation. No reason to try and hide it. - NGs on the other hand try to hide their desires in all sorts of ways. They tend to complicate and hide "natural" things and by doing so confuse themselves and certain subject-
- BBs ability to be clear and simple ( primal?!) comes from their self confidence. And to be that self confident they are usually not very attached to the outcome or the current situation or person ( they are cool ), because they know from their past experience, they have many choices. - NGs are not aware of their choices and posibilites when it comes to women and therefore place too much of their energy and emotions into one current situation. In other words, they act in a way that seeks woman's approval (clingy) which of course isn't very self confident.
- BBs self confidence usually leads to them acting like a leader, a dominant figure - NGs can also try and act like a leader, but they usually lose it on crucial areas, because of the mentioned reasons. So they usually take alternative social roles. Or invest too much energy into leading, which causes them to look too agressive, annoying....
- Behaviour and looks are just logical consequences of the state of mind and if you look at the above pictures again, it really isn't hard to say which of these males is a BB and which one is a NG is it?