Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Begin with the end in mind ( part C ! )

Today I would like you to try this: Imagne that you are attending a funeral of someone dear to you. Imagne how you drive to the chapel where the ceramony is taking place and how you see many loving people feeling sad becouse a loved and respected one has left them. You get situated somewhere in the back and soon, you realise that it is in fact YOUR funeral, a few years from now! There are four speakers and they are going to talk about what you were like as a person. The first one is from your family, the second from your friends, the third one is from your profession and the last one from an organisation to which you have contributed in your free time... Now I would like you to think about what you would like to have said about your achievements and contributions... three, ten or fifty years from now?

Well if you took your time to really think about it, you touched, for a moment, your basic values, your definition of success in life. Now you have to think about what your subconscious values just told you and proactivly work towards developing them into conscious goals, directions you want to follow in life. You must develop your mission statement and have it written into your heart and mind. In other words find and accept your goals and then just follow the direction.

And although magnetic north is constantly moving, it is much easier to walk Your path ( iter ) if you have your compass...

PS: I don't recomend forming a definition like: Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. , and becoming a lost sheep in the herd :) .

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rain drops keep falling on my head...
It seems that it has been raining I am going to write about it and hopefully that will make it stop. What is rain? It is water drops falling to the surface of the earth. But more importantly it is the thing that prevents you from enjoying your evening drinks and other pleasant outside activities, it is a major factor in getting a cold by getting your socks wet and it is something that can really mess with your emotions. If you don't beliveve me just remember all the songs that were written about it...
If you think that a two day non stop natural watering of our beloved land is something special, think again. Yesterday I saw a discovery TV show about a town in Norway, where it has rained forom januray to end of march NON STOP. ( will add a source when I find it) And if you think that it is raining very intensivly because you got all wet by walking a very short distance outside, you are wrong again. In the last 24 hours Krvavec ( slovenian record holder for last few days) got 14, 4 centimeters of water whereas Mumbai got 94.4 centimeters in 24 hours last summer. Yes one meter of water!
So to brain storm a bit after reading a lot of brain killing material, here are some reasons why all this rain is actually good:
1. There is a reduced probability of a draught in the hot summer so we are all going to have enough water to wash our cars and water our lettuce in the july heat.
2. All the dust and dirt is going to be washed away, which will benefit people with alergies, and not to mention those who are bothered by the sand still left on the pavements from the winter.
3. Couples will enjoy romantic walk uner one umbrella.
4. Civil protection will get a chance to test if they are prepared for emergencies.
5. Threatening awalanches will stop being threatening.
6. All the plants will have enough water to show off their calming green colour.
7. Some of the over motivated recreationalists will get a rest thier body screaming for after over intensive training.
"Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - Susan Ertz.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Students will go to the streets again! Fighting for their rights. They will "show" the goverment:
1.that studiying is not a privilege, but a (human) right.
2.extra taxation of student work will decrease the number of jobs for studenst and one third of them won't be able to afford to study
3. we will have to pay for our college education
4. public money for education will do into private facilities through vouchers
5. studying programmes will stay unchanged, so students won't be able to do much with their diploma
6. we will also invite our parents along... - I don't quite understand why this is a reason to protest.
and some unofficial ones:
7. there are not enough student beds
8. students don't have public transport
9. ...
Well I have researched the student protest phenomena a little bit and here are my conclusions:
All protest usually have one prevailing reason. It can be political( china), social ( USA 1967), religious ( iran, afganistan) , philosphical, just for fun and relaxation ( slovenia 2001 :) )...
And what is the main reason for recent and tomorrow's protests? Hint: Lets look at how the student organistion is funded. The official page tells us this (bottom). Well to make all this complex language more clear lets just say that the big majority of their income comes from student work. More accurately 5,5% of all the student earnings. This means around 4 billion tollars every year. And if the suggested reforms, which have many bad and good points, are accepted, then this sum is going to decrease substantially. And do you know many people ( politics) who would just give up the power to "distibute" large amounth of resources?
And when you see that the main reason is the power to control money flow, then all these irrational, unfeasible demands and unspontanious protests make more sense. Take a look at the reasons and demands again! And although I tried to find an explanation for: " Studiying is not a privilege, but a right!", my research ended in vein. I still don't understand why lower classes which work for a minimal vage should pay for others to study and get better paid jobs or work for lower taxes? I wish someone will explain why this is a right per se?
In May when all real students have exams students should do what they have their special status for - STUDY.

Monday, May 22, 2006

"Priceless" moments

Has something really interesting and funny happened to you recently? Well I had two memorable moments and although they were a bit embarassing I had a really good laugh...

After a very short lecture I went to the college caffeteria terase where some of my friends were already enjoying the sun. Of course chose a perfect tanning position and started with a normal relaxing chat. I started explaining about how I must go to the library to pick a few books so we will more easily whine to the profesor what we wouldn't like to write for the exam. During my "speech" I heard someone behind my back say hello, but that didn't prevent a speaker as fluid as me from finishing my sentence. Friend next to me started making "interesting" face gestures. And when I turned my head my suspicons were correct. The profesor I was so proudly talking about was standing behind my back, laughing. Amazing how such an unimportand event can change your mood. Well we will see in what kind of mood I am going to be after the exam. :)

The second priceless moment happend during my first week of rocklimbing traning. I have recently started climbing more frequently on the roman wall where many experienced climbers train. They really make it look easy, so you just want to do what they just did. Not to mention they have trained for a couple of years, have superb balance, strenght and technique. But lacking all these things didn't stop me from trying to climb a bit harder part. My hands were already a bit pumped so my grip was far from perfect and as I reached for the next grip the one I was holding became too smal for me to hold. That resulted in me landing on my feet on a lower edge of the wall, where I lacked the balance to stay upright so I continoued my fall toward the ground. I landed quite safely on my bottoms, but still had the momentum to roll and hit a bike parked about two meters from the wall. Oh, the fall was quite noisy so around 20 climbers preset had quite some fun watching me do my acrobatics :) .At first I was a bit angry at myself but then realised there is nothing better to do than to have a good chuckle about it. "Greatness never comes from not falling, but from the ability to get up afer you fall." - confucius. And I literaly did that, and felt Great. :)

"Priceless" moments make Iter ( = the way) so much more interesting... enjoy them!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Free choices? ( B - proactivity)
I can't, I am too small... Someone else is going to do it... Goverment is going to do it as it wants anyway...Everyone tells me that it is better for me if I don't, so I won't... I can't help them / him alone so why should I worry... I am not smart enough to solve this... If I do that then everyone will think that I am weird... I should wear these jacket right?... Bad temper and lazieness is in my blood... I could go on and on. I keep hearing this kind of phrases all the time from various people, including myself sometimes. The main thing they have in commmon is that they are used to reason why you can't or aren't doing something, because of a certain "predetermined" fact. It doesn't really matter if this predetermining belief is genetic, social or psychic, what matters is the reason why it is used. The main reason why we use this kind of excuses is to transfer responsibility. We find it easier if we convinvce ourselves and others that we are not responsibile.That is reactive behaviour and oftentimes I ask myself: if this kind of thinking is so common, how many free choices are really made? Why do we so often "choose" the easy way out by letting our conditions and conditioning "choose" for us and just say we are not responsbile? To make free choices one must firstly take responsibility for his life. That is what being proactive is really all about, not merely taking iniciaticve. So only when you accept that what you will do is going to affect your life and stop looking for excuses, you start excercising free will. And only then can you make really free choices. The freedom which can't be taken from you even if you are in most difficult, extraordinary situations. For example: Even if you are on an airplane which is about to crash you can still choose to finish your sandwich with a smile, instead of leting your subconscious programming turn you into a frantic, screaming monkey. Only when you consciously prevnet all your conditions and conditioning from making decisions for you, you will see that you have your ultimate freedom witch no one or no thing can take away from you. Your decisions will be based exclusively on your values and will be only Yours. This world would be a much better place if everyone would take responsibility for their life and happines instead of feeling vicitmised and relying on the state and others to make decisions they think they can't. Hey, perheaps even the free market theory could actually work in real life...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Are too many COMPLIMENTS possible?

Have you ever gotten a totally unexcepted, honest compliment? How did it make you feel? Is it possible that you could remember it hours later and still felt great?

The answers to the questions above were probably mostly positive. What about this one: Do you feel good if other around you feel good? Why?

Now I am going to stop making you feel like you are on an interview and tell you that I think people give compliments because: 1. it makes them feel good when they see others feel good because of their actions 2. or because they have a hidden agenda. By that I mean, that they want something from another person and the reason for giving compliment is to give a person something, but expect something in return. Quid pro quo, with other person not knowing that consciously.

I have nothing against honest compliments, in fact I belive that we should all ( especially men :) ) develop a habit of actually saying it when we see or like something and shouldn't be affraid of looking weak if we do. It is a win win situation if the compliment is honest and is not meant to manipulate, beacuse it gives pleasure to both. Few examples: I like your haircut. Nice shoes ( no don't add the wanna fuck part :) ). You are really shiny today. Excelent idea. Nice shirt. Nice work...

On the other hand, I hate it when I see that someone is saying something because he wants to manipulate me into getting something from me. And it makes me furious when I see that someone is doing that to such an extent that it is done unconsciouslly. You probably agree with me that you see a person who does something like that in a totally different, negative light. But interestingly enough I have seen many men do exactly this kind of manipulation when they are trying to get a girl to like them: You are really beautiful, I really like your (stupid) friends, your new necklace is too die for and it really matches your shiny angel eyes... 'juck'. In my view all that suggary, slimey compliments have a very simple and manipulative goal. And while they might work in teenage and low self esteem situations, I belive they should be avoided at all costs. Many men learn the hard way that women quickly see their unconscious manipulation and act accordingly.

Don't forgget this is only one of the situations when we are sometimes subconsciously tempted to manipulate with compliments. Ex. : Boss I like your sporty car... :)

No, there are never too many compliments as long as they are honest and not used in an attempt to manipulate others.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Effective habits (A)
This series of posts can get extremely boring, but they are important for the author (me) to write them out, so if you see a big letter (A, B...) next to the title consider spending your time in more efficeint way or proceed with caution! :)

In these series of posts I am going to show you some ideas on how to improve the effectiveness of your life. And what better way than by improving things we all do all the time: habits. So firstly I am going to talk a little bit about what I think a habit is, then we are going to go through habbit ideas one at a time:

1. proactivity

2. have your goals written in yourself

3.manage your time

4. know to listen

5. think win win


7. sharpen the saw

These are the names I have given to these basic ideas. The first three are about your character, You and how you deal with life the next three are about how to be most effective in interactions with others and the last is about building yourself.

So, what is a habit? Some online definitions : an established custom; "it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening" a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition; "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair"; "long use had hardened him to it" a distinctive attire (as the costume of a religious order) put a habit on substance abuse: excessive use of drugs

don't really tell much. I belive that habbits are a mix of: 1. knowledge on a certain issue, so you know what to do 2. skill, so you know how to do something, but just like driving a car, it has to be practised enough so that it becomes a subconscious process and 3. attitude or knowing why we want to do something, because it matches our values.

There are positivie and negative habits and unfortunately the negative ones are the easiest to learn and the hardest to get rid of because they are, like all habits, mostly subconscious. There are also many emotions and feelings connected with habits. For example when you develop a habit of spending too much time on line, it can be quite nice and pleasing until you realise how many more important things you should still do ( and that makes you feel a bit bad), like study for an exam. And since that is currently my case I must work fast on finishing this post.

It depends on our values, but most of us want a happy family, good friends, steady and interesting job... and to achive all these goals the hedonistic, short term habits and behaviour connected to it are not really a good choice. So we have learn positive, long term habits which lead to such behaviour that we achieve our goals and gain far greater overall pleasure than short term joys can ever give us.

But it is not just about learning these habits, we also have to understand them and then live them. It may sound easy but it takes quite a while to incorporate something into your subconscious mind. Furthermore it takes a lot of conscious effort and denial of short term joys, but by doing so you achieve what you really want to and nothing can be more valuable than that.

So be very careful and wise when choosing your habits.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Sometimes, I keep feeling sorry for myself during my pre-exam periods. Why the hell do I have to memorise all the stupid points, which I ll never use in my life again? Is there no one who would appreciate my understanding of a certain topic, my ideas, my views and then grade me on that basis? Why do I have to memorise tons of uneccesary information, to get a college degree and then hopefully find a job I find at least a bit interesting and shuffle papers around till the end of my life. What is wrong with the society and especially the educational system to allow such irrationalities? Isn't it unfair for them to make my life so damn hard? Do you feel me?

Then, after my second lunch, I stumbled onto an interesting article when shuffling through the free newspaper we get each friday. It was about illegal imigrants, and the "bad bad people" who are abusing them and charging them up to 8000 euros to get them to The West. My first thought was, wow the black market imigration prices are rising again. But then I started thinking... how much must 8000 euros mean to such a person? Where do they get these kind of money? Where do they come from?

Well the answer is quite obvious. The poor countries, with extremely high levels of unemployement, where there is no real working educational system whatsoever, where all the things we take for granted don't exsist.

And most of these people probably give ( = invest) all they have to someone who "organises" a pilgrimage to the promissed land for them...where most of them will have to work hard on low paid positions, or even on the black market to earn some money to send back to their families. Some of them will succed, but most of them probably won't. But although they are probably aware of the low chances they have to get to the West and even lower of earning a good living, that doesn't stop them from trying ( investing everything they have).

And what did You and I have to invest to get to where I am or will be? Let us be honest, not much really... And we keep on complaining, how hard it is. I don't say that is a bad thing, because that is the only way things will improve, but do we really see all the glorious things we can achieve from our starting point? What promised land can we find if we invest and work as much as illegal imigrants, and stop being so conformative?

Time to get back to work!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

(I have nothing against women, in fact I think they are the most wonderful thing God ever created, but he probebly added the PMS, so we can really appreciate them when they are out of their hormone cramp. )
The most unusual thing happened to me today. I felt like I am going to get beaten bad, by a friend who is usually really kind and seems like She couldn't twist a hair to anyone. When I said something really neutral to her, the response I got back was a bit frightful, but I said to myself, well she had a bad day or something... Well it got worse. I quickly realised it was one of those days, and I adjusted my tactic : I made a very humble, friendly face, stopped talking and ran when the oppurtunity arised...
I did my homework afterwards and here are the results:
1.PMS is exceedingly common, occurring in 75% of women of reproductive age during their lifetime. It is characterized by symptoms of mood swings, depression, anxiety and irritability that occurs prior to menses, usually in the two week period between ovulation and menses. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms bloating and cramping. - and in real life that means, be nice to someone who has cramps, mood swings and can be a bit depressed.
2.Explaination for this phenomena: I.The feminist perspective proposes that PMS is the result of patriarchal forces. - :) , gotta love the feminists, lets put them on an island and watch them kill each other during PMS, no men around of course. II.The social constructionist perspective proposes that social forces (but not necessarily the patriarchy) result in PMS. - softcore feminists? III.The psychosomatic perspective proposes that there is a cognitive interpretation of bodily signals that, perhaps due to social or biological forces, results in PMS. - do they really know a shit about what they are studying and talking about? IV.The biomedical perspective proposes that PMS is the psychological result of biological changes associated with the menstrual cycle - well, they are on to something.
To all men:
Be friendly, nice and caring... otherwise you are going to get it. And maybe the nurse at the ER is also going to have PMS, so you might as well end up dead. Respect someone going through all the specter of emotions, feelings and pain. There is probably a loving person underneath all this.
And if a women you approach turns you down really baddly, here is your reason.
To women: Good luck, and although you sometimes feel depressed and feel like no one likes or loves you, we do. Oh, and please make sure that PMS is not an excuse for bahaving like a bitch throughout the whole month! Don't turn into the picture above, just because of some hormone unbalance once a month!
To showinistic pigs: 1.Do you know why god created sporadic vaginal infections? So that even women can see how it feels to live with a ichy,crampy vigina. ( te?na pi?ka :) ).
2. Do you know why women can't be percived as an equal labour force? Because they are unconscious three days a month.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Me ( You? )

Today I want to share a very simple and jet very important concept of thinking with you:

There are just that many things that you can control and affect. That is YOU, your circle and it contains many processes. Then, there are all other things you (currently) are not able to influence. And if You allow the negative impulses or problems, caused by not knowing the effect of these out of reach issues, enter into your circle it is only going to mess the existing balance and distort the picture.

So you must consciously prevent problems, negative info. from entering into You and start causing emotional pain, stress and bad decisions. To put it simple, you shouldn't worry about the things that are (currently) out of Your reach.

To do that you need a lot of mental strenght, but when you sucessfuly combine enough self esteem, positive decisions, and intellect you form a mental shield which starts preventing the devastating interferances to You.

By removing the negative influences You create a positive area in which mostly only positive influences enter and the existing processes can grow without distractions. This means that Your circle grows. And guess what? Now You are able to deal with the things that were previously out of reach. And by doing that you enable the circle to grow even further...

So, don't worry about the things You (jet) can't improve, just work on the ones You can. Soon You'll see how far Your circle can reach.

PS: I leave practical applications of this principle to each one of you... If you like the idea, and want to read more about it, get some info. on NLP ( neuro linguistic programming, not flying saucers :) )

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The perfect recepie for muscle fatigue.
Def: Muscle fatigue is the decline in ability of a muscle to create force. It is a normal result of vigorous exercise...
Well today I have devised a perfect, vigorous exercise to get the "best" result. I paticipated in the "tek trojk" ( run of the trinities) which is a part of Way by the wire event, which celebrates Ljubljana getting liberated after the italian occupation during the second world war. I am really not a born runner, so I chose an interesting, relaxed team ( name: Sunday walkers ) and we decided to participate in the shorter run ( "only" 13 km). No big deal isn't it, only a good forth of the real marathon... Wrong: the corse takes you over Golovec hill, through muddy forest paths, insted of the ordinary smooth marathon track. The funny ( = annoying) thing is that most of the track is always a bit up or downhill, so you really get the partisan feeling. Oh, did I mention it was muddy? :) Well, I have been to Rock Oto?ec, the muddiest rock festival in near proximity, but this track can on some parts easily beat it. So it is often the best tactic is to simply use your primal, cave man instict and avoid the jams on the path with running through bushes.
So my first mistake (= a way to get perfect muscle fatigue) today was wearing a too warm T shirt. Instead of my regualar, sleweless running shirt I decided to be in fashion harmony with my team members and paid for it dearly. Yes fashion can hurt a lot! After the start I must say it felt great to be a part of such a big mass of runners (over 2000), but soon I started owerheating and sweating too much to really enjoy the feeling. Otherwise the run itself was quite pleasant: soft soil, nice green forest, many women running along...
Then my second mistake came... I decided that since I was sweating a lot, I should also drink a lot as well. And so I drank almost half a liter of water very quickly at the first " refuling station". Of coarse that resulted in some stomache pain. At the second table ( 4km later) they also served bananas. And by obviously not learning anything from the first table I got a good bite of them. Well that resulted in even more tummy pain. After finnaly descending from golovec these unpleasant feelings were replaced by something much more paintful. The feeling of overheating on sun heated asphalt. I had a little crisis, walked for 10 steps so my pulse lowered a bit and then victoriously marched towards the finish on Presern sqare. The feeling of crossing the finish line, while being aplauded by quite a big crowd is phenomenal, especially because you know you won't have to do all the running for a whole year :) .
Although it was hot, hard, muddy and sometimes too crowdy it was a wonderful experience. Thanks to Matija and Peter for running this part of my iter with me.
PS: my legs are getting really heavy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I was very young when my father thaught me to play one of the oldest board games. We played this hard-thinking game quite often and I must admit that he almost always beat me. It used to make me angry, because I just couldn't understand why. So, I decided to learn more about the game and see if that will change the situation. I read a few books on chess strategy, did some tutorials and started playing on line chess... After some time we played again. And although he didn't make any obvious mistakes I won smoothly. Of course it felt good to win, but I belive I have learnd something much more important in the process of learning how to play this ancient game.

I have learned that in order to win you have to use an appropriate STRATEGY. You have to observe your opponent and react to the problems that he faces you with. If he is very aggresive, you should keep a bit more defensive stance, wait for a mistake and then strike back. If he is defensive, you should provke him to open up and take control over the board... Through studying different games played by grandmasters I have found up, that the best strategy is to apply pressure by moves that don't destroy your defense, but at the same time also apply enormous pressure on his position.

I am sure that this principle can also be used in other intellectual activities and everyday life as well. So for instance in debating, you can't win if you don't apply enough pressure ( = tackle the other side arguments hard), but on the other hand watch out that your case remains strong...

Chess also teaches another important thing. It teaches you the art of complete focus and concentration, for long periods of time. It is amazing how time flys when you play a serious game. And althoug I have tried many other interesting games and activities (even studying)I have not yet encounterd anything that could focus your attention as much as a chess game and erase all other ideas from you mind.

I'm still far from being a really good player, but the game already thought me so much more than I thought it could. And if you like the game too, I am always open to a challenge.

If you want to learn more about this fascinanting game, you should use your analytical mind and use it to come up with the best move to bring you to more good information on the game.

( If your thinking process is already strong then your move was : wikipedia , what else :) )

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Attraction (III)

I won't write about phyisical forces, gramatical phenomena,magnetism or gravity. No, I am going to write about something much much stronger.

It is the force that brings people together, for this post in particular it is the force that brings them together to reproduce. Yes, this post is about sexual attraction and in it you will read about what this phenomena is, how it works for men, how it works for women and what I think we can do with the knowledge of attraction in everyday life.

Sexual attraction is evolutionary mechanism which occurs in many animal spicies for one single goal: Reproduction. It should lead us towards mating with the person who we feel is going to ensure that our offspring have the biggest chance of survival and furthure reproduction. In humans this mechanism is unconscious and emotional. We are probably the only species to have the ability to transgress the standardization of what is attractive. Therefore our uprising and socialisation tells our unconscious mind what is attractive. And when it finds these traits, all kinds of powerfull feelings take over. We like to call it chemisty, feeling it in the guts...and as you surely know, we can't really affect or change it with our mind. The only choice we have is to take action and face possible rejection or try to supress the feeling and don't take any action, which can lead to negative emotions... The process of attraction does vary from person to person, yet we all are inherently a part of the human species and as such there are many commonalities. But the greatest differences of percepting attraction occurs among men and women. So lets look at this more interesting part...

For man this process is a lot simpler so lets tackle it first. When a man sees a desirable woman he can quickly ( by that I mean a few seconds or less) become attracted. So what are these desirable traits that trigger the attraction? As I said before we are all unconsciously looking for a mate that will ensure that we get healthy, quality offspring, and therefore these traits are: signs of youthfulness, healthyness, lack of parasites :) , shiny skin... and if you think for a second, the cosmetic industry is makes a lot of money on products that, for a certain period of time, enhance these features. Of course we men are not focused on looks alone, so other traits such as personality, style, communication and status also matter but unfortunately they don't come close to the influence of looks on attraction. For example, do you know many man who wouldn't be attracted:

For women looks are also important, but I belive that other factors have much greater weight for them as they have for men. Why? Because they need to ensure the survival of the potential offspring in their unconscious mind. So the traits they find attractive are hence based more on security and longevity of relationships: athletic & being capable to protect her and her baby, and to hunt for food ( an interesting left over of the past) and to do that effectively a male has to be a symetrical as possible... ( according to the researches done...) So some fitness does indeed help. But in my view being succesful is very ( more) important as well, because this is indicative of the ability to provide for a family. This is a desirable trait that is shared by females thought the animal kingdom. So it helps if you show that you have resources to offer and that you are capable of geting more of them, because of your high self esteem, being dominant, even being funny and bright...( = positive and perspective personality). These behavioural types also lead to powerful attraction, although it takes a lot more time than it does for men, because these traits are harder to recognise and make sure they aren't fake.

So what have we learned and how can we use it?

For men it is important to understand, that just going to fitness and getting 6pacs on their tummy isn't really going to cut it. It can help, but only if it is used and combined with a powerful personality that shows to a woman that you are high on the society power scale and that you will be able to take care of her. Again, these processes are unconscious, so it doesn't matter if she is the richest, most emancipated chick in town. And by displaying these traits to her unconscious mind you can create a powerful emotional response, which will lead ( when treated proprely) you both to what you desire deep inside/genetically ;). The opposite can be said for women and I must say that by studying this topic, my understanding of all the make up, diet, aerobics... things have become just a bit more clear to me. But there is an important unanswered question for me... can and how can you enhance the desirable traits in yourself?

Sexual attraction can lead to passionate sex, big frustrations, or grow into a loving relationship, but as ever we should never underestimate the mysterious eqasions of love.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

To all the housewifes: RESPECT!

Guess what is on this picture?

Is it sheep brain, not fully digested? Is it a fancy new toy for kids to play with? Is it from this planet?

No! This is what happens if you let a hugry man cook for himself. This is my todays lunch.

I had a really good plan today. Firstly I am going to go for a short bike ride over Golovec, then I am going to take a shower, and then call my friend to go to a pizza with me. I'm not quite sure what happend but I had an interesting thought, what if I tried if I can still cook. Ok, no problem, any idoiot can follow a simple cooking book. But then I had another brilliant idea... what if I use no cook book at all and try to make up a new dish. On this point I must remind you, that I was as hungry as wolf when I returned home, so I really don't understand what has gotten into me. So I said to myself, firstly I am going to cook some white rice, just like in a chinese restaurant. Well at least I didn't decide to experiment here, so I followed the instructions on the box, and the rice was soon boilling in the mildly salty water. Then for the main dish... I said to myself, hm some onion fried on oil could make a great basis, so I've put some oil in a pot and onto the stowe and started chpoing... well I am a bit out of practice but at least I didn't cut myself! With a qucik Jamie Oliver style move I applied the chopped onion onto the oil. The two didn't really get along well or maybe one of them was owerheated& overpassionate about the other, because the reaction when they first met was loud and pieces started flying all over the place. But I said to myself, no problem I just lower the flame and they'll get together just fine. And with the same skill and concentration my atention was turned to the tomatoe, which usually makes a great sauce ingredient. Well by the time I was finished with my autopsy, there was a strange smell floating around the place... And yes, oil and onion, really couldn't get allong so they obviously both decided it was better if they commit suicide at the same time. The corpses finished in the toillete and I sincerely hope, that no fish will die because of what I have done.

To save my ever louder stomache from the emptiness, I was forced to use the final resort: Tuna can mixed with eggs. Oh, and I still had some tomato left, so I added that too. Meanwhile, the rice was cooking....and cooking. In the end it cooked about 10 minutes longer than it says in the instructions, but hey it still looked at least a bit eatable and by this time I was starving. After applying both "dishes" on the plate ( well some of the "omlette" didn't exactly end its journey there but it continoued it to the floor). For decoration I added some cheese and three pickles and "voila" hungry man's omlette is complete.

The meal was delicious. Or perhaps that was just my hunger?

I am seriously considering getting married...

Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm high!

Today, during and after my training for "tek trojk" an interesting thing happened to me. After running for about 45 minutes my state of mind was altered completely. Instead of feeling how heavy my legs are becoming, how damn hard it is to breathe when running uphill, how my running shoe is a bit tight.... I started observing the soft green of spring trees, the beautiful shape of the path ahead, the gentle nice feeling of the mild wid cooling me and simply realised how simple and beautiful life can be. The rest of my run was almost surreal, and I even decided to extend my track a bit. After I have calmed down, the feeling of euphoria calmed down a little, but the funny thing is, that I still feel great!
I have experienced this kind of a feeling many times and during different sport activities, but it never hit me so hard till now. I must say it is the best feeling you can have with your clothes on ( no I am not a naturist :) ).
I'm still full of energy so I decided to investigate this phenomena a bit. It is called Runner's High, because it is most likely to occure during running which is the sport activity that pushes the body nearer to its limits. To put it simply, what happens is that the body is flooded with endorphines, which is hypotalamuses replacement for morphine ( or vice a versa :) ) + other hormones ( but I'm not going to complicate matters here).
It is quite logical why they are released, simply to cope with physical streses. But then, if I understand correctly, there are other hormones realeased into the blood stream to coope with endorphines, and guess how these make you feel?
So, what have I learned? :
1. it can really make your day when you go running, especially if the weather prevented you from doing so for the last few days.
2. our thinking, preception and feelings are hughly influenced by our hormone levels. ( after running even a dumpster seemd estetical to me!? ) And we should be aware of this when we are a bit less high... there is always a way to change the hormone balance to your advantage!
3. I won't be so surprised when I meet runners in -20C and snow on the streets.
4. I' ll enjoy the "tek trojk"
Try this for yourself and add the list. Even the doctors say it is good for you :) .
Ps: and if you need company or encouragement call me!