Sunday, May 21, 2006

Free choices? ( B - proactivity)
I can't, I am too small... Someone else is going to do it... Goverment is going to do it as it wants anyway...Everyone tells me that it is better for me if I don't, so I won't... I can't help them / him alone so why should I worry... I am not smart enough to solve this... If I do that then everyone will think that I am weird... I should wear these jacket right?... Bad temper and lazieness is in my blood... I could go on and on. I keep hearing this kind of phrases all the time from various people, including myself sometimes. The main thing they have in commmon is that they are used to reason why you can't or aren't doing something, because of a certain "predetermined" fact. It doesn't really matter if this predetermining belief is genetic, social or psychic, what matters is the reason why it is used. The main reason why we use this kind of excuses is to transfer responsibility. We find it easier if we convinvce ourselves and others that we are not responsibile.That is reactive behaviour and oftentimes I ask myself: if this kind of thinking is so common, how many free choices are really made? Why do we so often "choose" the easy way out by letting our conditions and conditioning "choose" for us and just say we are not responsbile? To make free choices one must firstly take responsibility for his life. That is what being proactive is really all about, not merely taking iniciaticve. So only when you accept that what you will do is going to affect your life and stop looking for excuses, you start excercising free will. And only then can you make really free choices. The freedom which can't be taken from you even if you are in most difficult, extraordinary situations. For example: Even if you are on an airplane which is about to crash you can still choose to finish your sandwich with a smile, instead of leting your subconscious programming turn you into a frantic, screaming monkey. Only when you consciously prevnet all your conditions and conditioning from making decisions for you, you will see that you have your ultimate freedom witch no one or no thing can take away from you. Your decisions will be based exclusively on your values and will be only Yours. This world would be a much better place if everyone would take responsibility for their life and happines instead of feeling vicitmised and relying on the state and others to make decisions they think they can't. Hey, perheaps even the free market theory could actually work in real life...

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