Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Keep our smokers smoking hot

  • Because of the new anti-smoking legislation, many smokers are enjoying the benefits of fresh air in more and more frigid temperatures.
  • Some bar owners are helping enjoy their nicotine with adding CO and CO2 (plus some heat) emitting gas heaters. Some even have electrical heaters, similar to those they use for baking chicken in mass production, hanging from the walls. Besides literally heating our atmosphere (and saying F you environmentalism), these devices are ugly and impractical.
  1. Find pillow or whole seats with electrical warming that activates when someone sits on them. Some blankets or something fashionable would probably also be nice.
  2. Import the stuff, get it A-tested, make required (fashionable) adjustments and then distribute it to shop owners. (If it doesn't exist, have it made.)
  3. Offer proper installation and marketing services for the devices.

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