Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Shutter, shader...production, fitting

  • This one is a classic. Relatively simple. Room for better use of marketing (especially because this kinds of services are usually marketed from mouth to mouth, so to speak...).
  • So if you want to own a lamborghini murchielago, get to work! (point of clarification: The only guy in our capital that drives wheels as sweet as these is in this kind of business).
  1. Learn how these kinds of products are made.
  2. Make sure to offer a very broad variety, consisting of quality (distinguished) materials.
  3. Ensure high quality of service by always being punctual, offering high quality products, that don't need reclamation and having your offer online.
  4. Market your products strategically.
  5. When starting up, use 50% lower profit margins as the competition.

The Consulting business

  • Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll buy a funny hat. Talk to a hungry man about fish, and you're a consultant. - Scott Adams
  • And its what most of us do in the end.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Keep our smokers smoking hot

  • Because of the new anti-smoking legislation, many smokers are enjoying the benefits of fresh air in more and more frigid temperatures.
  • Some bar owners are helping enjoy their nicotine with adding CO and CO2 (plus some heat) emitting gas heaters. Some even have electrical heaters, similar to those they use for baking chicken in mass production, hanging from the walls. Besides literally heating our atmosphere (and saying F you environmentalism), these devices are ugly and impractical.
  1. Find pillow or whole seats with electrical warming that activates when someone sits on them. Some blankets or something fashionable would probably also be nice.
  2. Import the stuff, get it A-tested, make required (fashionable) adjustments and then distribute it to shop owners. (If it doesn't exist, have it made.)
  3. Offer proper installation and marketing services for the devices.

Writing papers and assignments

Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good. - Samuel Johnson

Telovadba #14

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,4/10 . Košček torte.
  • Počutje: Našel sebe v tem deževnem dnevu. Očitno telovadba pomaga k boljši samozavesti.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Generic threats

  • Sometimes people need a little nudge to get motivated to do something.
  • A very clear reminder of the consequences of not acting can help a lot.
  • But when this is done in a wrong way it can be qualified as a criminal offense.
  1. Get a web page.
  2. Create or adapt (no copyright violation please) a simple java applet.
  3. Let it create automatic threats (officially looking messages) for different occasions, with optional subclauses.
  4. Give users a chance to contribute their knowledge and rate it.
  5. Ads should cover the costs of running the page.
  6. Make sure you don't cross the line into illegal, or your business will soon be run from prison.

Compare service prices

  • Services make up a good chunk of our economy.
  • We have very useful goods price comparison prices. But very few or non comparing services.
  • So:
  1. Be creative, don't fear a good challenge. (How to compare services...)
  2. Adapt concepts and solutions of or
  3. Work hard and be consistent.

Be where people need to go (goverment offices)

...and sell them stuff they need or think they need there. Furthermore make sure to exploit new opportunity windows. For example government offices for citizens affairs has moved recently. There are loads of people there. So:

  1. Open a photocopy office as close to the entrance as possible. Surely they need to copy some of the tons of papers they carry in and out of there.
  2. Invest into a hot dog stand and get someone to sell them there. There is loads of people waiting for other people outside, furthermore some people spend literally hours in there, so when they come out they must be starved. Alternatively, warm drinks cart would also work.
  3. Get some students who would stand in front of the office, give free advice and offer to "stand in line" for the busy or impatient (they would have a cell phone to call a few minutes before the client is next). Alternatively, they could offer to do the "paperology" for them and deliver the papers to them (directly or via mail). - A simple authorization form does wonders! (Your role is too coordinate all these activities and maybe establish a we pick your documents at home/you send them to us signed (with the authorization form), we do all these things for you&deliver).

Telovadba #13

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,9/10 . Upravni postopki in vrste mi vzamejo voljo do življenja.
  • Počutje: Boljše kot v upravni vrstiTM.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Translate, optimise, sell, support (smart draw legal)

  1. Contact the developers and ask them if they are interested. Negotiate to become a part of their distribution network. (Optional, offer one of national software companies this project.)
  2. Translate it.
  3. Market and sell licenses.
  4. Enjoy the financial benefits of support contracts.

Gay or a goldigger catch?

A man who is:

  1. 40-55, bald and not really what you would call handsome.
  2. has at least 15 years younger, beautiful woman.
  3. is influential, rich, successful.
  • Is usually called gay, probably because of envious people who look for traits to call them that.
  • Their women know why they are attracted to them. And I suspect it is not just the money.

Sex - legalno in legitimno?

  • Veliko ljudi s katerimi govorim (ki niso pravniki - so pa ljudje :) ), zaradi različnih razlogov misli, da boš šel zaradi spolnih odnosov z nepolnoletno osebo v zapor. Moje špekulacije zakaj mislijo tako:
  1. Vedo, da je otroška pornografija (torej snemanje, posedovanje...takšnih vsebin) nezakonita in v novicah na vsake toliko časa berejo, da koga nekje zaprejo zaradi velike zbirke takšnih podatkov. Dejanje samo mora biti po tej logiki še bolj prepovedno, kajne?
  2. Vedo, da otroci (pod 18 let) nimajo volilne pravice, ne smejo kupovati alkohola in cigaret...zato naj bi po "najbolj kmečki analogiji" tudi ne smeli seksati.
  3. Na precej spletnih straneh morajo pred vstopom potrditi, da so stari 18+. Sklepanje je podobno kot v prejšnih primerih...
  • Prepovedi določenih oblik spolnosti (njihovo nelegalnost) določajo kazenski zakoni(ki), ki povedo katera dejanja so tako zavržna, da so kazniva...s področja spolnih deliktov so to pri nas predvsem (19. poglavje KZ):
  1. Posilstvo, spolno nasilje...ilegalna je torej uporaba sile ali prisile za dosego seksualnega cilja (spolno dejanje in druga spolna točne definicije - za to imamo sodišča, ki v konkretnem primeru ugotovi kaj je še spolno dejanje).
  2. Spolna zloraba slabotne osebe...ilegalno je izkoristiti duševno bolezen, začasno duševno motnjo, hujšo duševno zaostalost, slabost ali kakšno drugačno stanje, zaradi katerega se oseba ne more upirati. Če se punca torej napije do konca in jo "frajer" izkoristi, bi po črki zakona, moral v zapor.
  3. Spolni napad na osebo, mlajšo od petnajst let...poleg tega mora obstajati očitno nesorazmerje med zrelostjo storilca in žrtve. To v praksi pomeni, da je illegalno (kaznivo), če 45 letnik seksa z 14 letnico. Po drugi strani, pa je konsenzualen seks med 15 letno srednješolko in 80 letnim upokojencem zakonit (ni ilegalen).
  • Je pa nelegitimen. Večina ljudi ga bo namreč upravičeno obsojala, ker se jim bo tako početje zdelo nemoralno, noro, neumno, nepravično, nagravžno...
Avtor tega prispevka na noben način ne jamči za pravilnost ali vsebino tega prispevka. Poleg tega ne spodbuja "žrebcev", da se začnejo še bolj aktivno sliniti okoli 15 letnic. In obratno.


The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance. - Laurence J. Peter

Fighting stuffy air since ....

  • Most buildings in ex socialist Europe have passive, ineffective ventilation.
  • Owners of these buildings, have more money, because they are enjoying the benefits of capitalism7democracy.
  • But most of them still suffer from stuffy air in their apartments.
  1. Partner with someone that has an engineering degree.
  2. Import or start distributing systems for ventilation. Make sure they suck well. Literally.
  3. Market the complete ventilation systems to complex operators (they get a % of all renovation costs, so they are motivated!) and directly to owners (fliers will do the trick, for people stuffed in.)
  4. Make sure you have a wide array of decorative and technological choices. For example it wouldn't hurt to have solar panel powered main vents on top of buildings, with auxiliary option of a normal, electrical power up.
  5. Create a team for installation and maintenance of these systems. Or partner with an existing one. (It already is big business in optimizing old heating systems)

Changing the clock during sex

  • How long would coitus take if a couple began at 2:58 on the night a clock is switched one hour back at 3am?
  • Maybe this would solve this kinds of crisis (from Kinsey researches): "A fifth of males had first intercourse by the time they were 16 years old, married women were having sex 2.2 times a week by the age of 30, foreplay lasted between 4-10 minutes for around a third of couples, 40% of males preferred making love in the light and 47.5% of men ejaculated less than five minutes after sex began. (Kinsey speculated that for perhaps three-fourths of all males, orgasm was reached within two minutes after initiation of coitus, and reported this as a frequent source of marital conflict).
  • Some more interesting sex facts: Here and here(women).

Good party=dress code (imaginative)

  • As simple as that. I've heard every Erasmus exchange student learns that. See they do learn something and don't just party around.
  • My current favorite: A shirt an a tie. As creative as possible.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Least resistance marketing

When on-line, we do more and more things automatically, subconsciously. For example when entering a web address, we like to enter it with the least possible effort. Everything that requires conscious thought is annoying.

  • That is why I started preferring to, although I preferred the way news were written on the former.
  • So when choosing a domain name, make sure to make is easily accessible to the average user as possible.
  1. Invest some effort in getting rid of www.
  2. Make sure that typing the first two or three letters of the word (we usually don't type more because of automatic suggestions) into the address bar is logical and common.
  • I wonder if a computer program that would evaluate "sub conscience friendliness" automatically already exists...

Anonymous exam posting

  • Some college professors are lazy. They hate to look for knowledge in their students, because it is much easier to find the lack of it.
  • Therefore they use all sorts of tricky exam questions, that have little or nothing to do with the matter studied.
  • Because they are lazy, and this kinds of questions have their limits, they often start using the same databases of questions.
  • To fight this and earn a buck you should:
  1. Establish a website dedicated to posting exam questions. Preferably with a catchy domain. And a very logical structure.
  2. Because many people of these services are under fire from the lazy professors or their organization, make sure to hide yourself quite well (Foreign servers, proxys...) or protect yourself legally and prepare for a fight.
  3. Since quality is always an issue with these kinds of web sites, reward people who post questions with a % of the revenue from ads, associated with that page. The payment should be based on a model considering number of unique visitors and user ratings.
  4. Make sure it is hard to find out who posted the questions or is using them. (add proxy instructions...)
  5. Yes, add ads. Of course the hard part is to convince people to use them.

Telovadba #12

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,5/10 . Prijetno.
  • Počutje: Nekam izgubljen, brez razloga. Vseeno pa bolj močen :).

Sodno pripravništvo (pravljica)

1. Najprej diplomiraš (na pravni fakulteti) praznuješ in si nasploh vesel. Poleg tega opzaiš, da te ljudje začnejo čudno gledati in se nasploh sumljivo obnašajo okrog tebe.
2. Potem se prijaviš. Rok za prijavo za delovno razmerje je 30.9.2007, za volontersko pripravnistvo pa 31.10.2007, saj se takrat dela seznam kandidatov. Ti seznami se delajo potem vsake 4 mesece.
3. Na Višje sodisce v Ljubljani, Urad predsednika, Tavcarjeva 9, LJ, pošlješ/neseš v kadrovsko sluzbo Višjega sodišča – spodaj levo, prvo nadstropje, soba 111 (če nočeš čez rentgen se lahko narediš francoza in greš mimo varnostnikov po levi in jih samo prisrčno pozdraviš, če te pa kdo kaj vpraša pa rečeš, da si pripravnik, pri tem pa lahko s sabo prineseš tudi par kilogramov C4 ;-)):
- kratko prošnjo za opravljanje sodniskega pripravnistva;
- potrdilo o diplomiranju, ki ga dobiš v referatu, ko diplomiraš;
- ocene vseh štirih letnikov, ki jih tudi dobis v referatu, ko diplomiraš;
- potrdilo o povprčni oceni, ki ga tudi dobiš v referatu, ko diplomiraš;
- izpisek iz rojstne matične knjige, ki ne sme biti starejsi od treh mesecev – da to dobis lahko včasih traja tudi dva dni. Ne pozabi povedati, da rabiš za pripravništvo za pravniški državni izpit, ker je potem takse prosto.
4. Na leto vzamejo 50 sodniških pripravnikov in 90 volonterjev. Vzamejo jih vsak mesec glede na to, kako se sprostijo mesta, vedno pa se jih nekaj sprosti .
5. Pošto o tem, da boš sprejet boš dobil po pošti. Odgovorit je treba v treh dneh od takrat, ko vama bo pošta vročena. Takrat moraš tudi izbrat ali boš štirimesecno pripravništvo (poleg 5 mesecev civilnega in 3 mesecev kazenskega) opravljal na delovnem in socialnem sodišču ali na gospodarskem oddelku okrožnega sodisca. Je pa možno, da bo z novo spremembo Zakona o PDI ukinjen ta del pripravništva in bo pripravništvo na sodišču trajalo samo 8 mesecev.

Master of bathrooms

  • Majority of socialist buildings + 15 years of economically successful democracy + change of tastes = a very big market for bathroom reneval.
  1. Become a friend with some plumbers, ceramics, joiners and bathroom stuff importers.
  2. Make sure you coordinate them superbly and always have a back up man if someone gets sick.
  3. Market your services more aggressively than the existing offerers are. (In free newspapers, on-line...)
  4. Be very kind to your customers and make sure you do the projects on time and withing budges, with high quality so you won't be burdened by reclamations. (In contrast with other tradesmen).
  5. Earn a few % for every services and material used.

Friday, October 26, 2007

When everything else fails

  • Your boss fires you.
  • Your business idea fails.
  • You get divorced.
  • You don't win on the lottery.
  • It is time to get a job, that is in high demand:
  1. Insurance / security funds salesman
  2. Judicial recording clerk
  3. Taxi driver
  4. business secretary.
  5. ...
See no matter how bad you think you might end long as you have at least high school education and you are able to work you will be just fine. Or in other words, you won't have to collect trash or clean toilettes.

Telovadba #11

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,5/10 . Počasi se bo treba spomit nekaj malo težjega!
  • Počutje: Boli me k..., če še kdo bere tole. Hvala, dobro.

For dummies: To manipulate women

  • Not in a bad way or against their will...from hypnosis and is quite easy to learn that that is almost impossible (I am talking about at least average women here). We are just improving some behavior traits.
  • Whenever she does something you disapprove of, don't yell at her or tell her she is stupid. If you want something to change...compliment her about it. Be overly polite about it.
  • "Honey, you are absolutely wonderful, when you try to boss me around." or "Deary, I love it when you drive so aggressively (if she nearly kills a pedestrian)." (Almost normal voice tone, that doesn't sound too much as a provocation).
  • She has nothing to object to, but she will think about it.
  • (If you read this, don't call me a manipulator, women do this on so much deeper levels to men all the time!)

About cancer

Liberal? Wait...

It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea. - Robert Anton Wilson

Die until January 2008...

...and get a free on-line video coverage of your funereal! Our video coverages are the best. - Žale d.d. has this irresistible offer (for some).

  • Most of marketing (over 98% according to this excellent article addresses peoples pain = urgent needs). It shows, especially when shuffling the ever increasing number of free newspapers. I have counted five.
  • The problem is that these newspapers (+ some news portals) are crossing the line, because I would dare say that an average reader cannot separate articles from ads (Ads in my definition is everything publishers get paid for from businesses).
  • But who cares if people are misguided or the legislation forbids it(ZMed) long as it makes money we all win. Right?


  • Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. - Albert Camus

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dirty business

...of cleaning things up.

  • According to this BBC article, the world needs a very concrete cleaning up. It doesn't matter whether or how that is true or not...what matter is to know that there are probably going to be some major cleaning up projects (which is good). And that means investments and money.
  • Because big firms have already realized this opportunity...other players have to coordinate the efforts by:
  1. importing and servicing clean technologies...for example solar panels.
  2. spreading the distribution networks...playing middleman roles.
  3. helping people to change behavior...organizing specialized presentations

Ljubezen in denar (predporočne pogodbe)

Ta prispevek si pravzaprav ne zasluži oznake pravni triki in nasveti...glede na to, da pa se vse pravo začne in konča z "višjimi" vprašanji morale in pravičnosti, naj bo.

  • Ali bi z bodočo ženo sklenil predporočno pogodbo?
  1. Itak, da me ne bo prasica potem kdaj stisnila v kot - najmanj všečen odgovor, ki sem ga slišal.
  2. Bi, če bi imel kaj premoženja, ki bi ga nesel v zakon. - najbolj logičen odgovor.
  3. Kaj si ti nor? Če pred poroko misliš na premoženje kažeš, da je nimaš zares rad in ne verjameš v ljubezen. - najbolj iracionalen odgovor, ki pa je na nek čuden način romantičen.
  • Trik: Če verjameš v ljubezen oz. partnerski odnos, ki naj bi trajal dolgo časa (dokler naju smrt ne loči...) in imaš nesorazmerno več (veliko) premoženja ter dohodkov oz. obratno, je vnaprejšnja ureditev premoženjskih razmerij zelo smiselna, ker:
  1. se na ta način izogneš očikom oz. grožnjam stila "vse ti bom pobral" v času prepirčkov, ki so verjetno inherentni vsem uspešnim zakonskim zvezam. Težko je namreč uporabiti takšno grožnjo, če veš da je v praksi nerealna. Verjetnost prepirov, ki bi temeljili na nejasnosti se torej zmanjša.
  2. se na ta način zavaruješ pred tem, da bi ti "odvetnik pobral hišo". Največ sporov se namreč "vleče pred sodišči" ravno zaradi brezsmiselnega dokazovanja kaj je kdo ali ni naredil ter procesnih napak, ki so vezana na takšno dokazovanje. Tu ne pomaga dejstvo, da so sodne ločitve (ni bilo poprejšnjega uspešnega dogovora) zelo čustvene, torej neracionalne, torej drage.
  3. na ta način pokažeš, da dojemaš ljubezen in partnerja na povsem drugem nivoju kot premoženje. Ljubezen se namreč, za razliko od najstarejše obrti, bolj slabo meša z denarjem. Žena, ti ob vnaprej urejenem premoženjskem stanju bolj težko očita, da imaš raje svojega Porscheja kot njo, ker gre za čustva povsem drugega nivoja.

Digital $ to real $

  • Almost all on-line, FRP games enable users to sell their digital property for real $.
  • A woman in America earned over a million dollars by investing correctly into digital real-estate.
  • Some smart business men have "workers" from less labor expensive countries play computer games and then sell their accounts or "acquired resources".
  1. Follow the progress of the web 2.0 or 3.0 . Focus on the FRP aspect.
  2. Use the above desribed principles.

Violence is not the answer

Fighting for peace is just like fucking for virginity.

Tobaco is bad because

  • it causes cancer
  • it usually stinks
  • it can affect sex quality
  • it causes high blood pressure
  • it...
  • it can associate you with the good times.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Disgustingly sweet

  1. Get a girlfriend.
  2. Date her for at least 3 months.
  3. Write or draw something sweet on a sheet of paper.
  4. When you are with her...sneak the paper into one of her pockets or into her purse.
  5. Wait for the works.

Telovadba #10

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,8/10
  • Počutje: Mam musklfiber od včeraj. Mal bi mi blo nerodno, če bi to bral še kdo drug kot jst.

Rush hour taxi (not a game)

  1. Get a two seater version of this
  2. Get the permits (optional)
  3. Find your goal markets (business people,private doctors, managers, overloaded mothers that need to pick up kids...)
  4. Find someone to be your partner (he would drive or organize drivers)...must be just enough crazy.


  • Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
  • Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Telovadba #9

  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (2x)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (2x)
  • Matranje 7,6/10
  • Počutje: Zbujen. Tudi ponoči, ko študiram. Kdo še rebi power napanje.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

DIA collections scaning

  1. Buy or rent DIA photos scanner.
  2. Get a student worker to scan the photos (cheap labor...)
  3. Offer more than competitive prices for scanning mases of photos (over 1000)
  4. Make sure you target amateur photographers from 35 years onward that have massive collections of photos losing color.
  5. (optional) Offer to also scan "normal" photos.
  6. (optional) Offer digital enhancement of scans(show how better you are than picasa)...and from there.

Am I bothering you?

  • "Hi, am I bothering you'" is a common enough phrase I get quite often when being called?
  • After lots of thinking and practice :), here is how I am answering from now on:
  • "I am just having sex, but go ahead..."
  • Is being too polite being impolite?

Displays of the future

  • This bendable sheet got me thinking.
  • Not just about big companies from totally different fields merging...
  • But about how displays will work in the future and how we are going to be able to use them.
  1. Follow the development and prices of (especially) OLED displays carefully and make sure to be (or work with) one of the first Balkan importers of OLED for lighting. Chandeliers might change a lot in a few years. Probably a whole celling or wall is going to provide light in these dark months. (Read this (.si) for a bit more insight + a great idea of bringing outside in)
  2. Since you are going to import electrical stuff, take a look at Tesla and similar car companies. Talk to them. Negotiate. Start marketing and importing. Establish a service network.

Brain dopping

  • Coffee and its logical next step (redbull) sometimes just don't suffice anymore in the ever more demanding study and business environment.
  • Almost everyone is going to say they would never use such stuff...but in times of need things change.
  • I have noticed that DM next to law faculty had only one dose of pills for improving memory left (there was space for at least 10 more doses on the self and these pills were made out of some fishy substance, literally).
  • So,I am going to go out and say that a market for "mental enhancers" exists. Since many of these are illegal: amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine and other kinds of "artificial" brews and we don't want to become drug dealers...lets look at alternatives:
  • The legal ones: 1. Oxygen 2. vitamin mixes 3. other kinds of caffeine dosage and 4.the commercial stuff (more on that here (slovenian) and in wikipedia).
  • So how to make money out of them.
  1. There are very few legal importers of the commercial stuff. So make a decent business plan and go to an established drug importer and convince them to finance your project and give you a cut. Furthermore, make sure your marketing is very innovative since you are mostly selling "ginko oils...".
  2. Offer the pub owners next to libraries, faculties and business districts an option to offer their guests a dose of oxygen to wake up. I think oxygen bars went a step too far and mostly failed because of it. A discrete flyer on tables could just get enough interested guests to try. Just like Cedevita. All that you have to do is to get pub owners a decent supply of bottled oxygen (in doses), which look less awkward than those climbers use on Everest.
  3. Combining the best of points one and two, you could try and sell "fancy" drinks that "enhance mental productivity..." Why should Cdevita have a monopoly in this field. Its all about marketing. And it should also taste good. Find it, import it and distribute it.

Who likes small?

  • When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package. - John Ruskin
  • Very few things are better when they are small. Right?

Not enough visible results

  • Can never be an excuse to consider not paying.
  • Pacta sunt servanda, baby! (Agreements must be respected.)

Telovadba #8

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,6/10 . Zjutraj je vse težje. Do I look like a fucking morning person.
  • Počutje: Zbujen.

Monday, October 22, 2007


  • Here.
  • Blogs are very useful for storage of useful links. And discovering hot water.

  • A web page that displays political mishaps in all of the worlds countries, states...
  • Everyone can add news on a mistake and vote/rate ( seems quite a nice concept).
  • The trick: The editorial board would have to have permanent residence at least half way around the world apart (easy to figure out) and no connection to the state itself. And be as anonymous as possible.
  • The editorial board would be elected by supervisory organ from another "unconnected" country.
  • I know the concept needs some tweaking, but I think the concept in itself is plausible.
  • It would be great to be able to go trough such a list of mistakes before elections.


  • Začnimo z izjemno preprostim primerom. V življenju včasih opravljamo tudi velike posle. Pri tem hočemo praviloma biti varni. Čeprav nas večina ne ve točno kaj naj bi to pomenilo, smo precej bolj zadovoljni, če se zapiše. Potem zagotovo bolj velja. Še bolj pa smo srečni, če se overi. Pri notarju. Če plačamo pošteno vsoto in dobimo žig bo sigurno veljalo.
  • Kaj pa overitev pravzaprav pomeni?
  • Gre le za to, da oseba javnega zaupanja (Zbiljskem gaju navkljub naj bi to bili notarji) na listini (na primer pogodbi) potrdi, da so jo je podpisala oseba, ki je napisana na listini (=ugotovi istovetnost).
  • Po (ponovni) uvedbi notariata so notarji dobili zelo donosen monopol. Tako donosen, da so se poslanci kmalu odločili, da jim malce zaprejo pipico.
  • Tako so po novem osebe, ki jim lahko javno zaupamo tudi upravni organi (oz. tete in strici, ki delajo na upravnih enotah).
  • Če Jožek torej prodaja svojega Golfa III, mu torej ni več potrebno k notarju, ampak se z Marino, ki avto kupuje raje zapelje na upravno enoto, kjer mu morajo za nekajkrat manj denarja overiti podpise pogodbe.
  • Vendar pa upravnim organom vendarle zaupamo malo manj kot notarjem, zato morajo podpise na pogodbah, ki se nanašajo na nepremičnine, overjati notarji in hkrati opozarjati stranke na posledice. Druga zgodba pa so posli o urejanju premoženjskih zadev med zakoncema, o odpovedi neuvedenemu dedovanju...kjer mora notar v obliki notarskega zapisa sam tudi sestaviti pogodbo, ne le ugotoviti istovetnost oseb.
  • Kaj smo se naučili: Pri večini pogodb (npr: nakup ali prodaja rabljenega avtomobila) lahko privarčujemo (čas in €), če podpise na njej overimo pri upravnih organih.
Avtor tega prispevka na noben način ne jamči ali odgovarja za pravilnost vsebin.

Ljubljana eXtreme

  • My brain was grinding the question of what to offer tourists in our capital.
  • Here are the (wacky) results:
  1. Free bike rental (bikes with some adds), the idea is, that if it works for boats (you can ride boats on Ljubljanica for free, but they have adds on them)...maybe combine the same operation with free bike rental.
  2. Free Ljubljana on bike tours (well at least for the first see how it works) + get sponsored bikes that have adds on them + 1 guide and 8-10 tourists + a nice route with some implicit lets get a snack here...
  3. Slovene night...get a shuttle service + a rather big eating house 20 minutes out of Ljubljana + import large quantities of wine + get a few people to show tourists national dances and how harmonika is played... (basically copy the concepts of greek night or turkish night or Spanish night) + market it to the agencies that bring groups of people to Ljubljana.
  4. Get consent form SCT building to lower people from top of the building in harnesses, looking face down. They have a very neat empty concrete wall side. Help from experts (partnership) like biosfera adrenaline park would probably be helpful. I have seen videos of this business working rather well in Auckland, why shouldn't it here?
  5. Buy lots of helium + big balloons, with 50,60,70 and 80 killos of lift + get an add agency to post stickers on these ballons + have people "walk on the moon with them (preferably somewhere in Tivoli) + oh and get permissions for the activity.
  6. Get consent from authorities + an investor to build a gliding track of Grad, to make sure that "vzepnjača" finally operates with a bit more than 0,001% capacity.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Raising kids

  • Reading books, saying right things might be ok.
  • But nothing compares to being a role model to your kid - its about what you do.
  • I don't know why it took me so long to get this...How is it called? Growing up or something like that, I believe...

The little joys of media democracy

After preforming...I had a stroke of naughtiness today. When asked if I'd like to participate in parallel elections for TV, I willingly said yes. And voted know, someone else. I wonder if there are any statistical figures to show how many parallel electors are naughty?


  • Going through facebook appdir...gave me an idea or two...
  • I want to make a snobish app that allows people to show of how hard they are training and invite others to do it with them and maybe compete with others...
  • It would work for sport addicts (me not being one of them) that like to track their progress (maybe linking it with some online training program)
  • It should also work for those that like to be a bit cynical about outstretching themselves on the sofa.
  • All to do is to learn how to program these apps to get all the app ideas out of my head. And maybe succeed in earning some real world $.

When do you really know someone?


  • beef soup + mushroom soup
  • main dish (3 kinds of meat, potatoes, rice, 4 kinds of rolls, vegetables and salad...)
  • another dose of main dish
  • a generous dose of pastry
  • main dish part II. ( hash meat, potatoes, some vegetables
  • more pastry
  • one and a half pieces of cake (full of cream)
  • sour soup
  • = me feeling like a pig. (The party was nice too.)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Telovadba #7

  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,3/10 . Neki se mi začenjajo vene videt...FUJ!

"You are not a nice preson!"

  • "Yes I am, but under mine conditions."
  • When you are able to respond like that, you know you are free.

Telovadba #6

  • Jutranje radosti (mal manj kaj pol)
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,4/10 . Bo treba počas mal povečat napornost vaj.
  • Počutje: Ne zebe me več. Upam, da bomo kmalu začeli kurit :)

Improve car sales

  • Most second hand car sales ads have horrible pictures.
  • Which is a shame because images sell.
  • When it comes to cars people are very often irrational (just remember the tail fins on Cadillacs...)
  1. Contact some used car sale companies and offer them the improving pictures option. (don't forget to add a few samples...and keep it real) Model: They send you photos, you edit them...and send them back.
  2. If that works you can grow from it...get other people to do photo editing. Get other people to take pictures of the cars themselves...create an application that posts adds on all major B2C and C2C web markets (with very little human help). The seller just need to set up one. Model: You take photos, get info and post ads all over the net.
  3. Move to other products and offer a service of helping to sell stuff online + get all the poor kids that will get computers&net in recent donation programs to do something useful with them...give them work over specialized portals. (out of line, I know)
  4. Remember, that you are not changing reality, you are just making it more attractive.
  5. Grow from there

Radiohead had the balls to do it

  • Internet is changing the world as we know it (no shit!). Quick and cheap distribution of data is slowly but surely changing everything we know.
  • Especially the publishing business. We don't need middlemen when it comes to distribution of bit streams (0100101010101).
  • And that is what is happening at the moment. "Big media" is lobbying to try and stop P2P, but in reality they are fighting to try and maintain their power position...this is causing quite some damage in the process. For example...a single mother was given a 220.000$ bill, because she had 24 songs on her opened eMule. And we have all kinds of restrictions on data access, which is rather ironic, because the reason why we have copyright protection in the first place is to ensure individuals get as much fresh data as possible (constitutional clauses...).
  • Conflicts of distribution channels, prevented most "big" artist to say no thanks to middlemen and started distributing their music on-line. (The "smaller" ones had no choice then to go online (for example: iLike...) and try their luck- Arctic Monkeys succeeded...)
  • So why did a group that could sell their album via "big media" and make a profit go online?
  • They are probably not mother Theresa, so they must be after some sorts of profits. And in the long run, they reckoned they would get more by trying something new. And so far it seems they have succeeded according to this.
  • Besides the donations (10 mio$), lets not forget, they will probably spread their fan base and thus sell more concert tickets, T-shirts...
  • How are "Big groups" and "big media" going to respond to this?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Are Europeans stupid enough?

To be sold fortune cookies. And get fat because they are made from tons of sugar.

  • If yes - convince a bakery to make them and then try to distribute the.
  • If no - open another one of those fresh, natural, healthy, eco-friendly, green...juice bars. But remember: location, location, location.

Opening minds to open software?

  • "Even if companies buy pre-prepared software, they still need to spend approximately 30% of resources to customize is so it suits their needs." (Professor G.)
  • Buying software is usually just around 25% of all software related costs.
  • Open software is a free basis for further development. Surf through sourceforge to see how things are moving along. ERP, CRM, BI...they have it all. And although it is still quite primitive we have to realize:
  • That bigger firms have a logical interest to invest into open platforms (google, IBM...have very real interests in this field), which will probably speed things up.
  • Majority of firms that will want remain competitive are going to keep constantly investing into new IT.
  • It is cheaper to build form a basic free platform and add things you need instead of buying a complex platform (how much of you cell phone capabilities are you capable of using) and then use only about 10% of what it can do...and pay for it in licenses.
  • The future for software business is not so much in creating new software, but more in adapting it to specific needs. - Eben Moglen
  1. Become the middleman of sourceforge projects (which started marketing customization services), adding value by identifying special (local) needs and organizing their fulfillment by:
  2. Establishing a core team of talented programmers and sys analysists + get direct online help,
  3. Creating some great marketing strategies and methods, that will show clear benefits of not having to buy software foundations (70%) + buy yearly licenses.
  4. Because bigger=safer principle usually applies to software market (a few big players control almost all of the "for firms" software market), you have to play a role of decreasing the risk of being left alone. In other words your customers must feel safer with you than with a private programmer, because you company is less likely to get killed in a car crash. Furthermore you have to package sys analysis, programming, maintenance... into one complex offer they can't refuse + privateers can't compete with.
  5. When big enough, sell your services to the governments.

Telovadba #5

  • Piramida tricepsov (2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 2)
  • Piramida bicepsov (2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 2)
  • Počutje: Ne zebe me več...navdušen kok lažje je delat to, ko sem zbujen (7/10)

What is wrong with this picture?

  • Besides it being shoot with a BAD cell phone camera and some students covering the object actually shot? (If you don't get it look at the "lunar lander" in bottom left of the picture.)
  • Obviously a good marketing idea someone had six months ago can be realized. Unfortunately someone else got the deal, because the person that got it earlier didn't go into realization because "he heard that such marketing is forbidden in his jurisdiction". (even if that was true it would perhaps still work if the penalties are low enough not to overextend the depends on the business plan)
  • Lesson learned: 1. Never believe unconfirmed rumors; quality information = money, a lot of money. 2. taking a concept that works and using it "at home" can be lucrative. Especially if you are first. Just think of Poravnava d.o.o.
  • But all is not lost for this entrepreneur:
  1. Go to some competitive marketing agency and present your idea to them. (They have the customer contacts, remember?). Don't forget to impress them with a NDA and a business plan.
  2. Arrange the same or competitive firm to produce some of these lunar landers (maybe even local producers, that are cheaper).
  3. Pedal away.
  • And don't forget that there are new marketing methods being developed all the time (for example writing text on lines in parking lots :) ) . Find them. Use them.

Telovadba #4

  • Jutranje radosti (razmigavanje, pa to)
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7/10 za prvo točko in 8,2 za zadnji dve. Mogoče sm malo goljufal pri zadnji.
  • Če si vzameš med vajami več časa je precej lažje (ja jaz genij odkrivam toplo vodo) zanima, če je čist izi, če si vzameš pol leta pavze.
  • Počutje: Boljše bujenje kot kava. Slabše kot sex.

Just do it

  • "If you wait before stepping into the line, you are going to be hungry." - Me
  • There are lots of hungry people on this planet. Metaphorically and literally.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Green and valuable

  • US dollars? Not really, at least not anymore.
  • I am thinking algae.
  • If improvements can be made than I am all for genetic engineering. With enough scientific care.
  • And only time will tell if oil lobby is going to try and stop such projects. For example if states decide to subsidize such projects - which is probably the only way they can work - would they feel threatened enough to intervene?

Next time ride a snail

It took me exactly 45 minutes to drive from home to the Exam. Just not worth it. When I am mayor we shall invest into modern rapid transporting system. F you bad weather, pedestrians and crazy car drivers that want to run me over.

Before copyright f****d our brains

  • "When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it." - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
  • The sensible mind still does exactly that. The law however forbids us from doing it (the arguments why are very interesting; quite contradictory sometimes...). Conflict anyone?

How would they like it?

  • Mobitel "gave" its younglings free 1GB/month of UMTS/HSDPA internet.
  • Nice, the competition will have to respond...which means lots of free/cheap mobile internet access for the users.
  • The question is how would mobile operators like it if someone, somewhere created a program, that would enable the fancy new phones to use skype (or something similar) for those longer-lasting calls? (BTW: I don't believe in software protection...just remember how fast iPhone was unlocked)
  • Maybe such software already exists and all that has to be done is spread the news...

The money argument

  • Lack of money is the root of all evil. - George Bernard Shaw
  • A useful quote, if it is used for an analysis that is deeper than: It costs too much.

Da music organizer

  1. Create a music society...register&stuff...
  2. Find nice, forgotten acoustic places in the Capital
  3. Register periodic music events at authorities (so people get used to them) + offer them to nearby pub owners.
  4. Get sponsors...especially on the Cultural ministry which is loaded with unspent resources (unconfirmed rumors)
  5. Find talented young artists at music schools and abroad...
  6. Arrange for them to play there...collect contributions and get a cut for organization (for example 10%)
  7. Make a nice web page that announces these events + other kinds of marketing...
  8. (Optional) Sell beer illegally on the events :) , anyway the idea is to get unspent money from cultural institutions and use it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The streets will be flooded by your blood stupid pedestrians! There is a perfectly good reason why biker lanes are painted red. To match the color of the blood spilled when bikers run over the ignorant and the plain stupid.

  • So the guy that jumped in front of my bike today gets to live another day. Next time he might not be so lucky.

Telovadba #3

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,5/10 za prvi dve točki in 9,5 za zadnjo.
  • Očitno si je treba med piramidami vzet več časa, da pridejo roke k sebi.
  • Počutje: Precej zadovoljen z napredkom...

i(better)book publisher

  • If I were a book publisher I would be afraid for my business. Internet˛digitizing, increasing competition and the fact that people are probably going to get less and less attached to physical paper when it comes to receiving information are very worrying.
  • However all is not jet in order to prolong my position on the market it is certainly a good idea to use the "if I can't beat them..." principle.
  • I would therefore use the cheap and quick feedback possibility of the WWW, to ensure that authors (of for example text books or manuals) would get data about their works. Maybe I would even hire some people to make specialized reports for them. (The point is bringing structure and informativeness to user opinions, maybe even add ratings...)
  • Since I don't have time for research...I will presume that a similar or even better system already exists...
  • However, that doesn't stop me from "selling" this concept to local book publishers...hopefully our kids and students will have less superficial books to study from.

Activites superior to good sex

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This page was intentionally left blank.

A reminder on how great collective creativity can be

  • Lots of creative people (who work for free)+ digital technologies + internet + a dedicated organizer = Awesome creation...example.
  • In numbers: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
  • I believe that this concept is less than 10% exploited.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Riding the ripples and drinking beer

  • Sometimes celebrations are in order...
  • And in order to avoid stereotypical ways of celebrating, some refreshing ideas are always welcome.
  • After observing the brand new Ljubljanica Taxi (I am impressed) today...I had a light bulb shining a "party boat" and make an invite list...
  • The idea is that the boat would go to Tromostovje and back to Špica a few times picking up the fashionably late on the way...
  • Unfortunately, prices seem a bit too high for most of the people...which means:
  1. We need more competition, to increase supply and decrease prices...(No don't worry, I am not going to go "Shrimping" like Forrest Gump. )
  2. We need better models in order to increase the availability (more people renting one boat, frequent rents, people coming together to get negotiating power...)
  3. Zoki has to provide subsidies.
  4. We need sponsors!
  5. We need a hands on&on the edge approach for negotiating the price.
  • There is probably still much money to be made on "Prešernova Urška in Povodni mož", but that falls under the business idea posts...

  • Ever got pissed off when you needed to go somewhere and buy a legal form of some kind?
  • I certainly why not be a good person and put all these legal forms online for free. By free I mean without the need to pay for them.
  • By using clever business models from other web portals (banners + ads+ payable links + subscription), the costs of maintaining the system (probably quite low) could be covered.
  • Now all that needs to be figured out is how to get other people to help like on wikis and how to ensure that good published legal forms can't be undermined. Expert revisions would also be welcomed.
  • But the question remains...would people tolerate some ads in order to get free online legal forms?


  • If one is tasty, fishy (zobatec) and sweet...(Utility count= 10)
  • I just can't beat two...(Utility count=8; Combined=18!)
  • I sincerely hope my tapeworm is happy.

How to negotiate

  1. A little bit of theory (power-positions, arguments, manner...)
  2. Fistful of exercises
  3. A sprinkle of debate exercises
  4. Effective marketing (preferably copied from consulting firms)
  5. Rising out of this business rethoric classes and other kinds of communication classes and PR consulting...
...And with some precise work you just might have a very tasty PR business.

Monday, October 15, 2007

  1. Create a consulting marketplace for Slovenia.
  2. Have some really nice articles, forum and consulting registers + user opinions&ratings.
  3. Get proper marketing with web browsers (buy search key words and get some banners)
  4. Link it with facebook.
  5. Sell banners.
  6. Sell links.
  7. Sell the service to the state authorities.
  8. Create a consulting market...remember a free market is good for the country :)

The flying pen of discipline

How bad is a threat if it has to be followed by promised consequences?

When your bike isn't stolen

...the tire has to burst. In the middle of FUCKING BEŽIGRAD!

  • It was a lovely, relaxing walk home.

To speak Woman

  • If your girlfriend says: "I don't really know you, yet..."
  • What does she really mean?
  • Male world is in a dire need of a dictionary.

Flyers for "Pristine Slovenian" restaurants...

  1. Talk to some restaurant owners who have enough free capacity...preferably somewhere close to the center. Sell them your marketing strategy.
  2. Find where random tourists (not organized groups or groopies as I like to call them) usually are before lunch and dinner.
  3. Employ some students that will distribute the material.
Win win situation. Right?

Telovadba #2

  • Standardno jutranje razmigavanje (glej Telovadba#1)
  • Piramida triceps + piramida biceps...
  • Napornost: 8,5/10 . Precej je k temu prispevalo včerajšnje plezanje.
  • Počutje: Zadovoljen z majhno zmago.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Debate quote N.1

Facts are the enemy of truth. - Miguel de Cervantes

  • What better way to start a debate, when the other side is in the clouds...(on the principles)?

I feel sLOVEnia T-Shirts

  • Easy money?
  • Perhaps...just add nice design and many different color schemes...
  • Then have it made in China or India (it got cheaper), preferably using child labour force...
  • Get them shipped to Slovenia...
  • Convince local shops to buy them for twice as much you paid for them...or start selling them on your own.
  • The masses of tourists that are pouring in our beloved Capital will LOVE them.
  • Ah, and don't forget to say f..k you Intellectual property! (you know trade marks and such nonsense...)

Cell phone pictures usually suck

I really did my best to fix this just sucks...
...but as long as the motive is interesting we usually don't care.

Energizing weekend

Sun&doing nothing + smooth touches and deep looks + sun&climbin&friends&family = full bateries. And I didn't even have to go to the sea to get recharged.

The lost wallet

I didn't lose it. But I would suffer the consequences of it being lost (namely, no drivers license).

  • If you think you lost something try and think where you last had it in your hands...
  • When that doesn't work...(as usual)...resort to the trial and error principle...and just search frantically...
  • But never forget to look at the most unusual spaces such as under the bed sheets... :)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

On money

This is a movie, that is really educative. Don't believe everything it says though...

BioEnergic Pillow TM

Just steal a good, working, anatomic pillow design, make sure it is really pleasant to sit on...especially for older people with hemerodis and start marketing. And don't forget to create many different kinds of covers that have "specializde bioenergetic properties".

  • And remember, you are going to improve the lives of so many people!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sunburned in the middle of October

I got sunburned in France in January, but that was on snow and 2400m closer to the sun. So today I was pleasantly surprised when I got home red cheeked. And my head is still spinning. But that might have been caused by something else. Anyway Zbiljsko jezero is a very romantic location when it isn't overcrowded. PS: The place where we had our drings was called Dotik (Touch)...go figure.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mind block

What to do when the unexpected happens? Sometimes it is hard, but usually other people help unexpectantly.

Self belief on steroids...

Can have disgusting consequences.

Telovadba #1

  • Jutranje radosti (raztegovanje, 10 skledc, 100 pasive za trebušnjake, 50 pasive za hrbtne, 12 skledc, 50 aktive za trebušnjake, 30 za hrbtne, 15 skledc, 60 sekutd pasive za hrbtne in trebušne)
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (2 + 4 + 6 + 4+ 2)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (2 + 4 + 6 + 4+ 2)
Rezultat: Mal čutim roke. Matranje 8/10.

Deep, Clear, Sexy...voice

I wan't to be like Boštjan Romih...well not really, I personally wouldn't enjoy hosting TV shows with a lot of harmonika and old drunken people or be a radio presenter, however, I would like to sound like him. Or maybe Barry White would an OK role model too. Although, he spoke a bit unclearly. Well, and he is having a concert for the old guy with a beard at the moment. Lets see what conscious practice can do...


I have to figure out how to label my posts so I will be able to find the ideas spilled into this online database (OICDBS - online idea collecting database system; - this is what happens if you study basics of information systems). To do that I will make a nice logical scheme in my favorite scheme drawing program. Decision has been all I have to do is remember the three frogs a few posts ago.

Why so many blog posts?

It feels great to know that all of my ...akhem...brilliant ideas are not getting lost and forgotten. Well at least most of them. Furthermore, every post is giving me a small sense of achievement...which is somewhat addictive. And encourages me to think of even more ideas. Weird. And knowing this blog is not going to be read by many people, because they would drown in the flood of posts on this blog and would find it as it is only a drop in the blog also relieving. Also, the "Don't read this sign is also very ensuring." BTW...this is 100th post on this blog...I am not very good with celebrations jet, so...

Fukparkplaz d.o.o.

Is a concept, discovered in the land of the car sex - Italy. For all the cheat y&cheap, living with parents and got bored of doing in on the bed ...people. Will report on the progress of this project idea, when I get the business plan finished :). It will bring millions for sure.

Age quod agis

Three frogs are sitting on the edge of a lake. Two decided to jump in. How many frogs are sitting on the edge of a lake? Answer: Three. (If you don't get it - deciding is usually not enough, you have to actually do it!) ((Just for the sake of ensuring complexity: Ex nihilo nihil fit))

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Public transport

Buses can actually be quite nice. But they could be nicer if some people used both hands to hold themselves. (Note to myself: No one was touching you...its just that decolletages can look even better...)

Stupid bet idea

I would bet that you will be able to buy a "normal size", "normal" TV display screen with 106 cm diagonal for less than 250€ in ten years. And I don't care if it is LCD, Plasma, OLED or something else.

Fu...d up mornings

I am not a morning person. Shit happens. But thank god, coffee and black tea also happen. However, if these two stop working, no matter the quantity... ...will amphetamine do the trick?

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If you want to screw people...

  • then remember: Location, location, location...
  • but don't forget: To ask yourself if it is really worth going there?
Update: Even if you are having a bad day...someone will still screw you!