Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just a few ideas that need to go out of my head

  • I can start working.
  1. Create small, portable, cheap models similar to this concept. Get a pseudo scientist to develop a method of achieving optimal/work concentration and sell the product as a efficient test method.
  2. Rent small rowing boats on the coast. Pendollinos (or something) are gay. Try t be original and add aquaskipper and perhaps a hydrofoil sailboats. Decrease the sot by icluding ads on the rented equipment.
  3. Get Istrabenz (or other investors) to build a big aqua park at our coast (doesn't have to be right at sea) and save the future business.
  4. Convince BTC that skydiving wind tunnel would be economically feasible. Use trademark, image and completeness arguments.
  • ...ok now I can finally go and complete the things that need to be done.

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