- Just in case you don't understand it completely, let me translate: In dubio (lat.) = in doubt ; odjebi ( slo.) = fuck off.
- I believe this sums up a solution to a lot of human relationship issues. And can be broadly applied.
- if someone is acting interested in you, but is acting unsure, warm - cold, overfriendly - standoffish ... the simplest way, to solve the confusion is to apply the upper principle.
- when confering about doing something together. If someone is complicating, being unsure, uncertain of what and if to do ... fuck off!
- You never should tolerate manipulative, weak behaviour, because You alwayas have options. A LOT OF OPTIONS! Maybe your emotions and current situation is fogging your sight, but in a world of 6+ billion people, you never are really choosing the best, are you?
- Furthermore, it is a question of style, but by saying fuck off to someones behaviour, you also tells him you don't like it. Thus you make this behaviour less likely to occur to you or unfortunate others.
- So because you are choosing Your best options and because you are exterminating unappropriate behaviour, don't be afraid to use: In dubio, odjebi!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
In dubio, odjebi!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Oh, yeah!
- Now taht I suerly got yuor attnetion, let me sahre smoe idaes whit you.
- Sruely you msut be wodnering why I am wirtting lkie tihs? Is it beacause I am triyng to sohw tath our barin seem to accetp borader concpets, not wrods? Dose tihs prvent barins from overlaoding, whit coniscious tihnking?
- I tihnk taht is not the case, beacause I bet no guy wlil atcually botehr whit thees wrods - tehy wlil rtaher wrok on mroe avdanced conpcets. ( uppre or lower)
- PS: Grils, I am srory taht yuor barin can't wrok on such avdanced lvels and you hvae to bohter tyring to raed tihs bullsihth!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A refreshing perspective
Surely now you are getting the idea:
It is dark outside:
Bit more volumne and shape:
From behind Saturn : ( damm Earth is Big)
Why didn't my primary school teacher use this?
Add a few 0's to the zoom:
Really deep:
So how BIG do your problems seem today?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Nuclear.si (part II)
In its efforts for sustainable developement, enviromental protection and economic growth our goverment should plan and invest in Nuclear Power plant Kr?ko 2 as soon as possibile. Here are my reasons.
- Based on the research done by our beloved ministry of enviroment, Slovenia is energy dependant. Very much so, and the dependancy is increasing each year as the energy consumption grows for around 1-2% annualy. Being dependant on Russian nationalised gas production and very unreliable gas prices really isn't all that smart national strategy. The only clear technological and economically feasible solution to the dependancy problem is increasing the national production and also work on efficiency. And because our natural resources are almost used ( hydroelectric potential) or very dirty and ecologically unacceptable ( coal) and better technological efficency can only get you in a bit better position, but can't completely solve the problem, we should build a one gigawatt Kr?ko II. As many other rational European countries ( GB, Sweeden, Finland...) we would decrease our energetical and also political dependance from mother Russia and its willingness to "give gas".
- Slovenia is bound by the Kyoto protocol. And if we continoue to economically grow in the way we are now we are going to increase the Co2 emissions, instead of decrease them as we "promised". The problem with breaking our promise is that it will cost us and our economy quite a lot of money, becauase we will have to buy emitting cupones for the price of 100 euro per evey excessive emitted ton of Co2. You don't have to be a PhD economist to figure out that will have a negative effect on the economy. Furthermore, we are a developed nation, which also cares about our planet, which we call home. We know we are not a numberous nation, but that shouldn't stop us from doing our share of saving our home from the dangers of global warming. And drastically cutting our Co2 emissions by using a virtually Co2 free, advanced technology is a way to go.
- Investing into a big, reliable power project also means we don't only increase the national GDP by this investement alone, but also create an energy reliable zone, which is more attractive to foreign investments, which strengthen our economy even further. And we don't only want predictable and stable electricity prices for the investors and economy, we also want reliable supply of power for our children. We want them to have at least the same developement potential as we do. And cheap and reliable energy supply is one of the most basic factors in ensuring that.
- This investment would also further increase the nuclear safety for our nation, because investing into even more advanced and safer nuclear plant would have spill over effects on the existing technologies. Greater common financial mass would enable even greater investments in security technologies and would enable us to build even safer and more advanced treatment of nuclear waste material. Perhaps we will even be able to reuse current wastes with fast breeder reactors. And we would also show that we support EU in its eforts to develop a commercially fisable iter reactor, by showing very practically that we are not afraid of advanced technologies.
All the fears conected with nucleat power are obsolete, there are no real alternatives, I like Slovenia to be developing, independant, earth friendly. safer and technologically advanced so this is one of the first times I support one of the current ministers ( Andrej Vizjak) in his efforts.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A candle in a hurricane
Recent events made me re-think the whole "I want to remember and honour someone so I will light a candle for him" thing.
- To understand why we are all such pyromans when it comes to paying respect... would mean to study a lot about symbolism, and certain religions ( jewish, catholic, northern barbaric...) and I suspect the synopsis would be something like this: It is a symbol of life...and... it makes the person/object alive again for us ...
- So it is a cultural/archetype thing. Ok, no problem let people burn the candles, if it makes them feels good or in other wordss gives them greater utility.
- For if people have greater utility, plus some economic subjects make a decent profits out of this habit, then we not only make the population happier, but also increase the national GDP. It is a win win situation right?
- Wrong. Because in order to maximise the proftits it is logical to make the product more complex ( a simple candle won't do) so you can increase your added value to it and sell it for higher price. But that takes some extra natural resources. And what is that magical resource? Yes it is plastic and wax. And guess what is the main ingredient for those two? Yes our precious friend the oil. And oil is getting more and more scarce these days, because we really like to burn it for all kinds of more or less practical reasons.
- Furthermore, burning oil produces Co2 emissions and without much scientific ( not public! ) doubt that increases the global temperatures. And that makes our weather more extreme. Just remember the recent floods in europe, severe draughts in Africa and floody hurricanes in US.
- So if we return to the whole symbolism thing, a burning candle is becoming a new symbol in its own. A symbol of our civilisations unecessary destruction of our enviroment and ourselves. To put it simply: The end of life.
- A deadly hurricane certainly blows all the candles away. What about our habits and symbols?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Remember Them!
This picture has to be the most perfect example of how much creativity and effort can be put into honoring the dead.
Or does it just show how we can preoccupy ourselves to bury the pain of loss? Or simply forget the point?
Enough candles give the night sky above cemeteries a distinctive red shine to it. Or perhaps keep a lot of families warm. Flowers in quantities witch would make even Elton John look tasteless ( guy spends litterally millions on flowers). Crowds of people cleaning and decorating the graves with bands and making sure every pebble is in a perfect position. People chatting about how big the neighbours flower arrangement is or how long the new electric candles ( raving in the afterlife candles) will "burn".
Every year I ask myself: Do they take the time to remember why they are doing all these rituals in the first place? Who are they paying respect to? Do they remember how much They learned them and how much They really gave them?
When you drink the water, remember the spring...