Saturday, December 29, 2007

Telovadba #56

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10 Neki zjeban.
  • Počutje:Končno zbujen.


Where facts are few, experts are many. - Donald R. Gannon

Friday, December 28, 2007

Telovadba #55

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: V pričakovanju, exstatic...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Telovadba #54

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Prednovoletno. Kakšno pa?

"You chauvinistic pig!"

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The best is simple -or- simply the best

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated awesomely simple, that's creativity. - Charels Mingus

How would you look in a crowd of 7 billion people?

  • Probably even more stupid than a penguin in a crowd of 120 thousand penguins.
  • Source.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Telovadba #53

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10
  • Počutje: Po parih dneh pavze je lažje. Mogoče bi si lahko zapisoval še rekreacije (-ko grem delat karkoli za srce).

Take a shot

We miss 100% of the shots we don't take. - W. Gretzky

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just perfect properties

Friday, December 21, 2007

Telovadba #52

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Zadovoljen, da mi je uspelo brez večjih muk dvigniti težavnost.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

People need to hang by a thread sometimes

  • Some must drive fast cars, fast. Too fast.
  • Some must play poker. To risk more than they can afford to lose.
  • Some must climb rocks. Just to feel the thrill of getting on the top.
  • Some must drive mountain bikes. Just too get down fast.
  • Some must go out and party. Even if they have a fever and a head ache.
  • Why do we do these things?
  • To feel that we are still alive.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Telovadba #51

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Fajn!

Capitalistic pig?!

Sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable. - Trey Parker

Monday, December 17, 2007

Drive in bank

Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. - E. Joseph Cossman

Preden se odločita živeti skupaj

  • Poleg prepirov zaradi založenih nogavic in pospravljanja namreč nekaj zanimivih presenečenj skriva tudi ZZZDR.
  • Zakon namreč pozna institut zunajzakonske skupnosti, ki v praksi pomeni, da lahko po "grdem" razpadu zveze (ki mora praviloma trajati več kot leto, da velja kot zunajzakonska skupnost) eden od partnerjev od drugega zahteva preživljanje ali delež na skupnem premoženju. Pravne posledice zunajzakonske skupnosti namreč nastanejo po zakonu, brez kakršnekoli odločbe sodišča, državnega organa ali izjave kateregakoli od partnerjev.
  • Pri tem je najbolj zanimivo to, da nam država ne daje nikakršne možnosti, da bi z lastno voljo kljub temu, da živimo skupaj, preprečili nastanek t.i. skupnega premoženja zakoncev, ki se ob prenehanju takšne skupnosti praviloma deli na pol. Tudi dogovor, da se dolgoletna življenjska skupnost ne bo štela za zunajzakonsko skupnost namreč ni pravno upošteven.
  • Če smo malo cinični lahko ugotovimo, da država uspešne "businesmene" dejansko sili k temu, da njihova resna razmerja ne trajajo tako dolgo, da bi lahko veljala za zunajzakonsko skupnost.
  • Slovenski "žrebci" torej niso nepoboljšljivi pleyboji ampak bejbe menjavajo tako hitro, ker se bojijo, da jih bo država prisilila k delitvi zaslužka.

Sex sells

Telovadba #50

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,0/10
  • Počutje: Abraham!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Telovadba #49

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10
  • Počutje: Kljub jutranjemu pomanjkanju energije je po telovadbi boljš.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Telovadba #48

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10 Standard.
  • Počutje: Včeraj nisem, danes sem...vseeno zadovoljen.

Friday, December 14, 2007

And even a new car can't help with that

Walking isn't a lost art: one must, by some means, get to the garage. - Evan Esar

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Telovadba #47

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10 Skor preveč izi. Je pa luštno.
  • Počutje: Tank energije polen za bitko s kompleksnim urejanjem kompleksnih področij s kompleksnimi pogodbami. Kompleksno torej.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Telovadba #46

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,5/10 Danes me pa boli grlo.
  • Počutje: Ne vem točno, ker mam tok stvari za počet, da sem šele po osmih urah od telovadbe uspel napisat tole na blog.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Telovadba #45

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10 Malo prehlajen.
  • Počutje: Zadovoljen, da kljub par pavzam še držim navado telovadbe. Tut počutim se boljš zaradi tega.

Make the days count

If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day. - John A. Wheeler

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ceramic dragons and fishes

  • It is next to impossible to get decent ceramic figures in our beloved land.
  • We have many quite decent manufacturers (like eti svit...), but the products don't really fulfill the modern demand.
  • A quality middleman is needed.
  1. Create a business model. Focus on direct online ordering and selling products to tourists (high margins).
  2. Find some manufactures and sell them your idea. Begin with a very crude information system. E-mail is the highest possible complication level for them.
  3. Try to encourage souvenir sales by offering buyback offers to the souvenir salesman.
  4. Organize the whole process.

On-line public opinion enhancing group

  • Most of the new consumers like to check web forums and reviews, before they buy. It doesn't matter if it is about a guitar, heating pillows, car, condoms or elections...we like to see what other people think about it and how they like it.
  • Some think that organized sites like twitter will be enough. I am not so sure.
  • Some products, services and politicians...would certainly need some positive "user" opinions online.
  1. Create a professional PR assault plan. Use modern project planning software and methodologies.
  2. Get a bunch of creative and articulate people. Make sure they aren't stupid. Prepare some guidelines for them and ensure they get paid for their successful work. If they fail they should get free beer. Use google analytics/webpage visits as a measure of success.
  3. Experiment if it works - for free or very cheaply.
  4. Sell your services quietly.
  5. Make sure you don't cross the line into the illegal.

Telovadba #44

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10 Sredi dneva mam več energije kot zjutraj.
  • Počutje: Preluftal možgane za študij.

Why is finance leasing used for selling new cars?

  • My father bought a new car. If he choose a finance leasing as a financing option, he got a massive 20% discount. Great.
  • But the question for me was why? Does the vendor get a tax cut? What makes them willing to give that much discount?
  • Slovenian car salesmen are using financial leasing more widely, since we joined EU. In other words since you don't have to pay customs duties for selling a car within the EU.
  • Big corporations - car companies, want to discriminate the markets and they use the local representatives to do it. They make sure that same cars are sold for different prices on different markets. For example an identical ford focus would be sold for 15000€ in Germany and 10000€ in Romania, because poorer markets demand lower prices (lets skip the different vehicle taxes issue).
  • However, this mechanism only works if there are barriers that prevent "business men" from buying cheap new cars in Romania and selling them in Germany cheaper, than the official representatives. In other words, they want to make sure EU market doesn't become a one market.
  • And the most elegant way to achieve this is by giving your buyers "special" discounts if they buy using leasing, because the leasing contracts prevent buyers form selling new cars for at least a year. (Due to ownership issues...).
  • And the guardian of free market- the EU commission says: It is OK, because we have the competition between different car brands. Audi will compete with Opel.
  • So next time you buy a car using financial leasing, remember that Hans and Lars paid the brakes and the clutch on your new car :)

Saturday, December 08, 2007

  • A portal for all who want to build stuff.
  • Basically a collection legal advice on how to build and a list of all needed professions.
  • Later a "priceline" and user rating concept can be added as well.

Bannana boat rides down Gradaščica and Ljubljanica

  • This one depends on believing in the current mayor.
  • If he manages to get all the sewage onto the "big system", this one might work.
  1. Get an old robber boat, a long one.
  2. Go to the zoo, inflate the boat and take a ride in Gradaščica, ride past Tromostovje, then get out.
  3. If you like it and it doesn't stink too much, buy/rent some old inflatable bananas. (The ones beach resorts use to pull tourists around on water) Try to work out the steering on Ljubljanica or think of shorter routes. After that, sell the service.
  4. Get a big van to pick up the equipment and drive it to the starting point.
  5. Think of alternative inflatable/rubber devices. Organize night trips.
  6. Get some artists to post pictures/art to the walls so people can enjoy them as they ride by them.
  7. Alternatively, open a summer bar in the new park built by the Gradaščica.

We want to speak freely and stupidly!

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. - Soren Kierkegaard

Telovadba #43

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10 Če odmisliš mučenje, je manj mučenja. Mučno je edino odmislit mučenje :).
  • Počutje: Strong(er)!

Get paid to listen

  • In the postindustrial society it is mostly about selling services. Many times these include public speaking or giving a presentation.
  • Though many speakers prepare themselves diligently, they still make small mistakes, that make their service average.
  • By focusing on real life practice, real improvements can be achieved. The difference between observing and evaluating a speaker / presenter at work or giving him rethorics classes is the difference between teaching driving in a car on the road and trying to teach him how to drive in a classroom.
  1. Learn more about evaluating speakers.
  2. Create a methodology and do some free test runs.
  3. Start offering your services. At first target the employers of these public speakers - for example a university or a consulting firm. Furthermore, try and focus on the proactive individuals - mostly start up firms / individuals.
  4. Too keep expenses low, teach students how to evaluate, using the existing methodology. Make sure you hire capable people. Always make sure the quality of evaluations and advices is adequate. Send people in pairs, install quality control mechanisms.
  5. Grow form there - sell improvement classes by adding some theory to practices, not the other way around.

Bar and restaurant themes

  • Normal, cool, fancy, fancier...In other words boring.
  • Some people should have some balls and do one of these:
  1. Chess bars I saw in NY (on TV), in Peru (not on TV9 and on Santorini (not on TV).
  2. Relaxed combination of a mountain gear shop, a coffee bar and a small climbing wall (saw it in Peru).
  3. Cook it yourself restaurant, where a man/woman can cook for their guests. Under supervision of pro. chefs. Furthermore, no grocery shopping or dish washing required. (found it online)
  4. Oxygen bars. (Old idea I saw online and on TV).

Friday, December 07, 2007

Sooo Romantic

Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays. - Oscar Wilde

Sooo Romantic

Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays. - Oscar Wilde

Jucky, jucky, jooou!

  • Went to the library - NUK.
  • Forgot to check if they lend a certain book. Sat behind a computer in the information center. On a computer in front of me was a middle aged man. In front of him was a pleasant young girl.
  • I almost never look at what other people are doing, but this guy was clearly acting strange, so he caught my attention.
  • He was in a rather bent position and was constantly looking at the girl, the computer screen and checking if someone was coming.
  • As I stood up to leave, I saw that he had a passionate porn clip playing on the screen, he was looking at the girl in front of him and I really don't care where his left hand was or if he was coming.
  • It is going to take some time before I use public keyboards again.

Telovadba #42

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,5/10 Dva dni pavze se pozna. Ali pa dve uri v avtu dopoldne.
  • Počutje: Vesel, da kljub dvodnevni pavzi nisem opustil zelo prijetne navade. Še dva dni "pavze"pa se mi ne bi več dalo...

Thursday, December 06, 2007


  • Lahko jaz očetu pri notarju napišem pooblastilo, da lahko dviguje priporočeno pošto zame, na banki ureja stvari, itd.? Sem študent in imam probleme s tem, ker nisem doma. Jaz dobim pošto, on je ne more prevzeti, mene ni domov in potem včasih zamudim rok za pritožbo ali kaj podobnega... A se to da, oziroma kako se to ureja?
  • Da, to je mogoče. Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku namreč v 53. členu določa, da lahko stranka določi pooblaščenca, ki jo zastopa v postopku, razen pri dejanjih, pri katerih mora stranka sama dajati izjave. V skladu z 55. členom ZUP mora biti pooblastilo pisno ali dano na zapisnik (pri upravnem organu).
  • V praksi je torej najbolj smotrno sestaviti ustrezno pisno pooblastilo in zmanjšati možnost, da upravni organ v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 55. člena ZUP podvomi v njegovo avtentičnost. Kljub temu, da imam rad notarje, v takšnih primerih za dosego zadostne avtentičnosti podpisa predlagam uporabo upravne overitve podpisa na pooblastilu, ker je nekajkrat cenejša - po zadnjih podatkih stane le malo več kot 1€. S to kratko potjo na upravno enoto namreč damo pisnemu pooblastilu "uraden element", kar je po mojih izkušnjah dovolj, da prepričamo raznovrstne uradnike o pooblaščenosti. (Le ti si namreč nadvse radi izmišljajo zahteve za katere v zakonu in podzakonskih predpisih ni pravne podlage. Mogoče pa se tako počutijo bolj pomembni...) Postopek overitve sestavljenega pooblastila je v skladu z 178b. členom ZUP precej poceni in preprost.
  • Pooblastilo naj obsega splošno pooblastilo za opravljanje upravnih dejanj, za vsak slučaj pa predlagam, da se naštejejo še posebne oblike pooblastitve - v tem primeru torej dvigovanje priporočene pošte, vložitev pritožbe na sklep o preživnini...
  • Pooblastilo za poslovanje z banko bo v določeni meri verjetno odvisno od pogodbe z banko (ki jo podpišeš ob odprtju računa), potrebno pa je upoštevati tudi določbe obligacijskega zakonika o zastopanju in pooblastilih - od 69. člena dalje. Pri takšnih pooblastilih se je potrebno vprašati ali zares želiš, da ti fotr šari po računu in prodaja tvoj avto? Točno to se namreč lahko zgodi ob preširoko napisanem pooblastilu in barvitem sporu v družini. Reševanje takšnih situacij pa gotovo ni prav zabavno in poceni.
  • Zanimivo vprašaje glede te tematike je: Zakaj praktično nihče ne uporablja možnosti, ki jim jo omogoča 55/4 ZUP - da opravi dejanje namesto osebe nekdo, ki je z njim v tesnem razmerju - na primer oče, brez posebnega pisnega pooblastila?
  • Avtor tega prispevka na noben način ne odgovarja za točnost vsebine tega prispevka.

Work this way...

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. - Peter Drucker

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Telovadba #41

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Dobro. Ne preveč zmatran. Brez idej za izvirne komentarje počutja.

If it sounds great and smells great - a must buy.

  • Marketing tricks I learned from TV shows (on discovery):
  • When a supermarket played Spanish music on wine aisle, they sold three times more Spanish wine then French. Then they changed nothing but the music - to French and sold five times more French wine than Spanish. When interviewed, the consumers said that the music had no impact on their wine choices.
  • Real estate agents use odors of fresh bread, frying bacon and fresh coffee, to sell. Pleasant smells are also getting more and more popular with clothes shops and auto dealers.
  1. Find some smell and sound manipulation devices.
  2. Sell it to local shops and car dealers.
  3. Make sure you don't cross the line and start breaking fair competition rules.

Older people are like old cars

  • They need more constant maintenance, which also gets more and more expensive.
  • They make weird noises.
  • They are often grumpy.
  • They can have a weird smell.
  • They may be losing some of their functions.
  • However, they usually have more character and experience due the distance they have traveled.

Don't worry, just understand

  • Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie

Monday, December 03, 2007

In need of some adrenaline

  • Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that! - Matt Frewer

Telovadba #40

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 6+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10 Spočit od morske pavze.
  • Počutje: Vesel štiridesete obletnice. Malo pogrešal.

Weekend at the coast

  • = me fully recharged and satisfied.