Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In dubio, odjebi!

  • Just in case you don't understand it completely, let me translate: In dubio (lat.) = in doubt ; odjebi ( slo.) = fuck off.
  • I believe this sums up a solution to a lot of human relationship issues. And can be broadly applied.
  • if someone is acting interested in you, but is acting unsure, warm - cold, overfriendly - standoffish ... the simplest way, to solve the confusion is to apply the upper principle.
  • when confering about doing something together. If someone is complicating, being unsure, uncertain of what and if to do ... fuck off!
  • You never should tolerate manipulative, weak behaviour, because You alwayas have options. A LOT OF OPTIONS! Maybe your emotions and current situation is fogging your sight, but in a world of 6+ billion people, you never are really choosing the best, are you?
  • Furthermore, it is a question of style, but by saying fuck off to someones behaviour, you also tells him you don't like it. Thus you make this behaviour less likely to occur to you or unfortunate others.
  • So because you are choosing Your best options and because you are exterminating unappropriate behaviour, don't be afraid to use: In dubio, odjebi!


x said...

Jusr what the hell did she ( I'm taking a wild guess here) do to you?

Špela said...

My question was more or less in the same spirit as Špela's: what on earth made you so amazingly angry?

* said...

You two really have an amazing team line ;).

Not much. Couldn't decide.

Don't fear to use "the solution". It feels good.

Anonymous said...

Hey, in theory coundnt agreee with you more....
But theory is not what I do...