Sunday, April 30, 2006

What's the prize? (II)
Firstly I would like to thank for the comments, which made me realise, that I have much to learn if I want to share my ideas/views more clearly. They even made me think about the thinking I am not usually aware of. Anyway thanks for holding the mirror.
Why do I need chicks anyway? Why don't I simply enjoy being a bachelor? Do I need to get married and have children or is a mistress or two enough for my happines? Should I even, from now on, follow the example of great scollars like Newton and Galilei, who were never at all fond of women and died virgins because their carrer was far more important( = become a monk)?
There are two main reasons why we look for a partner:
1. genetic - for our species to exist, we come pre- wired with a subconscious system which makes us look for mating oportunities.
2. social - through socialisation we are learnd how to behave so that we fit in the society, and the attitude towards mating is an important part of it.
In every one of us, these two factors have different magnitudes or scales so that they mix into an individual personality. Some have enherited extremly high need for mating and if the socialisation is not "appropriate" then "unadequate" types of behaviour occur ( rapists, nymphomaniacs...) while some others die a virgin, because they don't have the mating need. The person who genetically needs more mating is probably also more motivated to look for it and therefore engages himself in more activities that lead to it. And with these activities the social factor kicks in. Based on our programming we humans make decisons how to deal with the subconscious & hormone need that is genetically driven. And this programming is often in a world war with the genetic factor, because we are brought up very differently and oftentimes in sharp contrast to our genetic needs. For instance around 60 years ago it was a sin to have sex before marriage( hopefully I'll have the will to write about catholic church and its methods soon). You don't have to be a Ph.D psychologist to realize that this kind of social intervention in a genetic process brings up many conflicts inside an individual. How this conflict affects his thinking and influence on his needs and whishes is a very complicated, probably unsolvable question. But the important thing is that everyone should BE AWARE of these processes and with that in mind again ask himself what does he really want for himself. What does he feel is right for him. Only when you know your goals you are able to fully act, without having limiting doubts if you are doing the right thing.
The goals are of coarse not fixed, because the social and hormone driven needs change through life, but thinking you know what you are doing makes you more succesful in the process itself, because it decreases the subconscious obstacles. And that is why it is so important that you know what you want. What your personal prize is?
If you have this basic question solved you can then work on your mind set, get past your issues ( like fear of approaching, self conscience...) on this topic and start acting more proactively towards wining you personal prize.
PS: everyone knows and decides what he wants best (and always should), but I found an intersting fact. In a study scientists from bristol have discovered, that individuals without a good relationship must earn 50.000 euros per year more to have the same utiliy, joy... as those in a good relationship.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

How to attract chicks?
Is probably the most frequent question men ask themselves. The matter is far too complex for one post so I will tackle the isssue in small steps ( posts).
So if we put aside all the jokes with corn and so on... let us begin by asking ourselves what do men really look for in a chick?
A wise men once told me this:
As men are young they want their women ( =chick) to be their lover...

So the perfect woman should look like this.

When they get older and more mature they look for a women who is their partner, someone they can stick around...

...and who brings them their beer.

And when the end draws near, they look for...

A hot nurse! ( what else?).

More specific preferences are left to individual choice. Although the feelings who we like or not are not very much conscious, the FIRST THING you should do is to figure out what do you want for yourself. By that I don't mean I want Jozica Novak from Spodnji duplek! Or I want a hot brown babe with perfect face, godly silhuette and rich parents... So, take a few minutes, close your eyes and imagne yourself in a desirable situation(s) with a girl ( if all you can think is having this hottie in bed then solve your hormones problem yourself!). Focus on basic ideas like is she dominant, how smart is she, is she friendly, sharp what does her face look like, what does she like doing... and then try to imagne how you would feel by being with her. Quickly you will see that you already have a subconscious ( blurry) image of what you desire. Follow the outline that exists in your head. And yes, I can hear you say you can't choose who you will fall in love with... that may be true, but it is more likely to happen if the person fits your idea of the chick you are looking for. Maybe you'll even have less problems in the future if you happen to get in a relationship.

By determining what kind of a chick / outcome for yourself you want you become more goal determined and that leads to higher motivation so you won't hesitate to take her number or ask her out...because you will be doing what is in your intrest and won't have so many secon thoughts.

If you know what you want, you are definetly more attractive to these chicks... and on a good way to improve your love life.

PS: I pray I won't get a job offer from men's health...

Friday, April 28, 2006

The deadliest virus!

"You humans are just like a virus. You spread and consume everything untill there is nothing left."

I have to agree with this quote. There are three of us born every second and one dies in the same time period, so the earth is going to get a bit more crowdy untill I finish writing this post. And a lot more crowdy untill you finish reading it.

To exist, every one of us consumes air, fresh water, fossile fuels and many other natural resources.

And according to the WWF report, we are currently consuming 20% more of the natural resources than the Earth can produce.

We are not only consuming more than can be regenerated, but are doing so ever more rapidly. The science community is having a very long debate about this problem and what is going to happen. Of coarse there are many different oppinions and arguments supporting the debate, but problem I see is very close to the problem of a typical democratic system - a lot is being said, there are many viewpoints, many researches, even denials of the facing problem. But like in every working democracy, everyone respects each others rights and allows him to do what he wants as long as he doesn't hurt his life and what he is doing. But NOTHING IS BEING DONE to really solve the overall problem.

Why? Because we are just like a virus. We are attacking a living organism (earth) and consuming it so we can spread. And not only spread in numbers we also spread our hunger and consume more and more individually ( we are in fact a very advanced & complex virus). We don't really care about the problem of the system, if we have enough to go through our consumptious life. Why should we worry about the future or others if we can enjoy life as it is? If there is enough cells for every one of us viruses there isn't really a problem and we don't really fight each other( minor clashes = wars are only a by product of this consumption process & common defects of individual "viruses" ) . And by not really competing with each other and reducing our numbers to a balanced number, we are destroying the very thing that supports us. If this continues fresh, new cells (resources) will run out soon.

Why this has happend and what will happen remains uncertain. Will we really fulfill our role of an advanced virus and start killing each other so we will be able to live in harmony with our enviroment? Maybe we will sieze to exist altogether. Hopefully we will be able to agree to control our impact on enviroment and live in a balanced harmony. But for that, (probably the most positive outcome for us), we will need an unhumanly effort, because we will have to give up something that is a part of us - consuming too much just because we think that we can and that that is a good thing and furthermore because if we won't, other "viruses" will.

All we can do is hope that there are enough resources left so we have enough time to consume & talk and maybe, only maybe in the process mutate in such a way that we become symbiotic.

I am a "virus", but I belive that I am mutating a bit. If there is enough of us, perhaps there is a chance...

Thursday, April 27, 2006


What is really important? What if? Should I be afraid?

The picture above could have easily been the last thing my eyes ever saw, because about a minute before it was taken I heard a sound of a rock bouncing of the cliffs above. Then the bouncing sound was replaced by a swoosh and a bang of this boulder of a rock landing about a meter from my head. If it bull-eyed, my helmet wouldn't stand a chance of saving me...

Of coarse you can say: why are you crazy bastard going to moutains, where there are all sorts of dangers anyway... But is it really so safe to live "normally"? Have you never been in a situation or an accident which could easily have been fatal? Don't forget that there are around 300 people killed in a country as small as Slovenia on roads alone. Are you sure it can't happen to you?

How do these existence situations affect my future life? Should I go overboard with safety and lock myself in a fortified room in the basement, which will hopefully save me from terrorist attacs, nuclear war, global warming, aliens and raging student protests...?

Hell NO! The time given to us is short. And it would suck if the only thing I filled it with was staring at walls, beeing afraid that something might happen. There are only that many things that we can control. And if we worry about the ones that we can't, we let fear take over our lives ( which leads to the dark side :) ) . What we can do on the other hand, is focus on the things that we can control and bravely do what we decide is important to enrich the time we have left.

...after my adrenaline levels lowered and I stopped shaking, I took the photo so I will remember and walked up to the Sun.

The ski descent through the coluar was perfect... I will make sure to get as many opportunites for positive experiences in the future as possibile.

( yes, and the next post is not going to include moutains and skiing so you might as well not give up on me and continoue reading )