Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Making Valentines day sensible

This year I am confused. I don't know what my status is, what the society wants me to do on this "special day". So I am going to try and make it sensible:
  1. Valentines smoochies. Even if you have seen it before remember: Repetitio mater studiorum est. ! Don't forget to see all three options! ( and don't comment on my latin spelling)
  2. If your eagerness for education is still high you should also check wikihow I recommend the following topics: How to Make Valentine's Day More Meaningful ( iee how sugary sweet) more practical How to Get With Someone on Valentine's Day ( the only problem is it takes 14 days) or just in case you are a bit rusty: How to French Kiss ( yeah I can just see her waiting for the guy to get through the checklist: 1. take a breath refresher...check 2. moisten your lips... check 3. select a correct head angle... check 4. close your eyes... check 5. start gently...AUCH, hey why did you hit me with your nose? Oh, right we had to keep our eyes closed ....

So now, does it all make more sense? Nope, but I had some fun.

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