Thursday, February 01, 2007

Good luck, Hugo!

  1. World media and even Bush are worried about the recent transfer of "sweeping powers to legislate by decree and impose his radical vision of a more egalitarian socialist state in Venezuela." Harsh words, like "dictatorship, disguised as a democracy", are being used.
  2. The opposing side responds: "What kind of a dictatorship is this?" Vice-President Jorge Rodriguez asked the crowd, saying the law "only serves to sow democracy and peace." "Dictatorship is what there used to be. We want to impose the dictatorship of a true democracy."
  3. So what is dictatorship, others are talking about and what is the Venezuelan definition of "true democracy" ? Dictatorship in my opinion is a way of concentrating powers. It can be very efficient, because orders given by the leader must be followed without much opposition. Consequently that means that Hugo is going to be, just like Fidel, able to realise his socialistic vision very quickly and efficiently. If people support him, it is logically their free choice to give up some of their democratic powers to get a more socialistic state. People who do not share this vision and have some property that is probably going to get brutally taxed should probably move elsewhere, because they don't fit in. If they weren't already scared of by true democracy, Castro style.
  4. And that leads us to a fundamental question about dictatorship. More precisely, its Maximum Leader variation. If you checked the link you probably realised that countries that used this kind of social order aren't or weren't exactly what you would call a paradise on earth for its population, if you use HDI index and GDP per capita index as a merit. Which is especially concerning since they are using all the given powers and the countries natural resources, for improving this measurements. So why don't dictatorships work in the long run? Because, we have not jet found a leader who is wise and empathic enough to know what people need, what makes them happy and what their decisions should be. To successfully replace their freedoms of choice, in short.
  5. In history, many have tried, with best intentions and failed miserably.Will Hugo win and beat the bad witch like in the computer game? For peoples sakes, lets hope that Venezuelan oil keeps flowing for a long time. Or they will have to think, breath and EAT "the revolution", like Cubans.

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