Monday, March 05, 2007

I'd rather be kicked in the nuts...

or how I started running again. After completing "tek trojk" last year I ran exactly 0 = zero, kilometers. But because the earth almost completed its steady jog around the sun, it is time to start training for the traditional event again. So I did exactly that on this gloriously warm and sunny day. And I won't go into detail on the pain chapter but, lets just say that it obviously takes time and a few trainings to achieve runners high. So to keep my lazy ass returning to the woods of Golovec here are my reasons why running is actually good for me:

  • It is healthy ( I know this is severely contradictory with The Pain, but hey doctors are usually right, right?)
  • I get to enjoy nature in all of its forms ( did I mention that young female homo sapiens are in healthy numbers in the woods of Golovec)
  • Spill over effects are very diverse ( getting more work done afterwards, having the energy to write this...)
  • I get to brag about it.

So for all these reasons will someone please help me deal with the pain. - By that I don't mean that you should kick me in the n..s but join me!


x said...

I'm willing to give you all the emotional support you need, but you're going to have to find someone a lot crazier than me, to actually go running with you.

I have way to much respect and fear of The Pain :)

Anonymous said...

Would it help if I casually ride along and taunt you? ... Probably not. ;)