Thursday, November 01, 2007

Advice on buying big.

  • I don't like it when experienced salesmen (professionals) screw ordinary people.
  • I especially don't like it when they screw them over when they are making the greatest investments of their lives = car or real estate.
  1. Register a catchy domain, that tells you will find free advice and info. on big buys.
  2. Get some books, study them and publish the advices. Make sure you use the google principle when creating the homepage, so everything is easy to find (don't put tons of stuff and links on one page.)
  3. Create a forum and invite experts to answer questions there. Good posts should be rewarded.
  4. (Optional) Add the option of users rating their salesmen. Furthermore, from the begining you specialize in a couple of interesting issues (like reclamations and claims).
  5. Get ads and possible government funding (as an association with special purpose).

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