Monday, May 08, 2006

Me ( You? )

Today I want to share a very simple and jet very important concept of thinking with you:

There are just that many things that you can control and affect. That is YOU, your circle and it contains many processes. Then, there are all other things you (currently) are not able to influence. And if You allow the negative impulses or problems, caused by not knowing the effect of these out of reach issues, enter into your circle it is only going to mess the existing balance and distort the picture.

So you must consciously prevent problems, negative info. from entering into You and start causing emotional pain, stress and bad decisions. To put it simple, you shouldn't worry about the things that are (currently) out of Your reach.

To do that you need a lot of mental strenght, but when you sucessfuly combine enough self esteem, positive decisions, and intellect you form a mental shield which starts preventing the devastating interferances to You.

By removing the negative influences You create a positive area in which mostly only positive influences enter and the existing processes can grow without distractions. This means that Your circle grows. And guess what? Now You are able to deal with the things that were previously out of reach. And by doing that you enable the circle to grow even further...

So, don't worry about the things You (jet) can't improve, just work on the ones You can. Soon You'll see how far Your circle can reach.

PS: I leave practical applications of this principle to each one of you... If you like the idea, and want to read more about it, get some info. on NLP ( neuro linguistic programming, not flying saucers :) )


Sergej said...

I don't think that it has anything to do with positive or negative influences, really. It's more about things you can and cannot influence. Whether they bring you pleasure or pain is only secondary.

* said...

It is about being aware of the things you can influence and preventing negative efects of things you think you can influence.
So in fact it has everything to do with it.
And yes, pleasure and pain are only the results of this proccess.