Monday, April 02, 2007

Feeling stupid...

  • Did you know voting is obligatory in 32 countries? I didn't. And for me it is a problem, because this single piece of data means my conceptions of democracy and voting systems were based on insufficient data. Basically, this means they are /were flawed.
  • So now I find myself experiencing a very interesting, unknown feeling: the fear of other skeletons in the closet.
  • But because pessimism isn't really my character or productive I am going to say: For me, realising my knowledge is only a drop in the sea means progress.
  • Anyway, if you know why I am writing this: Again, I am sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, dont be sorry, I knew only about Australia, so now I know theres a LOT more of them out there.

Even if I think, thats a great concept, that should be implemented in Slovenia...

We learn every day