Saturday, December 29, 2007

Telovadba #56

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10 Neki zjeban.
  • Počutje:Končno zbujen.


Where facts are few, experts are many. - Donald R. Gannon

Friday, December 28, 2007

Telovadba #55

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: V pričakovanju, exstatic...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Telovadba #54

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Prednovoletno. Kakšno pa?

"You chauvinistic pig!"

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The best is simple -or- simply the best

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated awesomely simple, that's creativity. - Charels Mingus

How would you look in a crowd of 7 billion people?

  • Probably even more stupid than a penguin in a crowd of 120 thousand penguins.
  • Source.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Telovadba #53

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10
  • Počutje: Po parih dneh pavze je lažje. Mogoče bi si lahko zapisoval še rekreacije (-ko grem delat karkoli za srce).

Take a shot

We miss 100% of the shots we don't take. - W. Gretzky

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just perfect properties

Friday, December 21, 2007

Telovadba #52

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati) - 3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 3
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Zadovoljen, da mi je uspelo brez večjih muk dvigniti težavnost.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

People need to hang by a thread sometimes

  • Some must drive fast cars, fast. Too fast.
  • Some must play poker. To risk more than they can afford to lose.
  • Some must climb rocks. Just to feel the thrill of getting on the top.
  • Some must drive mountain bikes. Just too get down fast.
  • Some must go out and party. Even if they have a fever and a head ache.
  • Why do we do these things?
  • To feel that we are still alive.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Telovadba #51

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10
  • Počutje: Fajn!

Capitalistic pig?!

Sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable. - Trey Parker

Monday, December 17, 2007

Drive in bank

Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. - E. Joseph Cossman

Preden se odločita živeti skupaj

  • Poleg prepirov zaradi založenih nogavic in pospravljanja namreč nekaj zanimivih presenečenj skriva tudi ZZZDR.
  • Zakon namreč pozna institut zunajzakonske skupnosti, ki v praksi pomeni, da lahko po "grdem" razpadu zveze (ki mora praviloma trajati več kot leto, da velja kot zunajzakonska skupnost) eden od partnerjev od drugega zahteva preživljanje ali delež na skupnem premoženju. Pravne posledice zunajzakonske skupnosti namreč nastanejo po zakonu, brez kakršnekoli odločbe sodišča, državnega organa ali izjave kateregakoli od partnerjev.
  • Pri tem je najbolj zanimivo to, da nam država ne daje nikakršne možnosti, da bi z lastno voljo kljub temu, da živimo skupaj, preprečili nastanek t.i. skupnega premoženja zakoncev, ki se ob prenehanju takšne skupnosti praviloma deli na pol. Tudi dogovor, da se dolgoletna življenjska skupnost ne bo štela za zunajzakonsko skupnost namreč ni pravno upošteven.
  • Če smo malo cinični lahko ugotovimo, da država uspešne "businesmene" dejansko sili k temu, da njihova resna razmerja ne trajajo tako dolgo, da bi lahko veljala za zunajzakonsko skupnost.
  • Slovenski "žrebci" torej niso nepoboljšljivi pleyboji ampak bejbe menjavajo tako hitro, ker se bojijo, da jih bo država prisilila k delitvi zaslužka.

Sex sells

Telovadba #50

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,0/10
  • Počutje: Abraham!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Telovadba #49

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10
  • Počutje: Kljub jutranjemu pomanjkanju energije je po telovadbi boljš.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Telovadba #48

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10 Standard.
  • Počutje: Včeraj nisem, danes sem...vseeno zadovoljen.

Friday, December 14, 2007

And even a new car can't help with that

Walking isn't a lost art: one must, by some means, get to the garage. - Evan Esar

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Telovadba #47

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,1/10 Skor preveč izi. Je pa luštno.
  • Počutje: Tank energije polen za bitko s kompleksnim urejanjem kompleksnih področij s kompleksnimi pogodbami. Kompleksno torej.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Telovadba #46

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,5/10 Danes me pa boli grlo.
  • Počutje: Ne vem točno, ker mam tok stvari za počet, da sem šele po osmih urah od telovadbe uspel napisat tole na blog.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Telovadba #45

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10 Malo prehlajen.
  • Počutje: Zadovoljen, da kljub par pavzam še držim navado telovadbe. Tut počutim se boljš zaradi tega.

Make the days count

If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day. - John A. Wheeler

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ceramic dragons and fishes

  • It is next to impossible to get decent ceramic figures in our beloved land.
  • We have many quite decent manufacturers (like eti svit...), but the products don't really fulfill the modern demand.
  • A quality middleman is needed.
  1. Create a business model. Focus on direct online ordering and selling products to tourists (high margins).
  2. Find some manufactures and sell them your idea. Begin with a very crude information system. E-mail is the highest possible complication level for them.
  3. Try to encourage souvenir sales by offering buyback offers to the souvenir salesman.
  4. Organize the whole process.

On-line public opinion enhancing group

  • Most of the new consumers like to check web forums and reviews, before they buy. It doesn't matter if it is about a guitar, heating pillows, car, condoms or elections...we like to see what other people think about it and how they like it.
  • Some think that organized sites like twitter will be enough. I am not so sure.
  • Some products, services and politicians...would certainly need some positive "user" opinions online.
  1. Create a professional PR assault plan. Use modern project planning software and methodologies.
  2. Get a bunch of creative and articulate people. Make sure they aren't stupid. Prepare some guidelines for them and ensure they get paid for their successful work. If they fail they should get free beer. Use google analytics/webpage visits as a measure of success.
  3. Experiment if it works - for free or very cheaply.
  4. Sell your services quietly.
  5. Make sure you don't cross the line into the illegal.

Telovadba #44

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,2/10 Sredi dneva mam več energije kot zjutraj.
  • Počutje: Preluftal možgane za študij.

Why is finance leasing used for selling new cars?

  • My father bought a new car. If he choose a finance leasing as a financing option, he got a massive 20% discount. Great.
  • But the question for me was why? Does the vendor get a tax cut? What makes them willing to give that much discount?
  • Slovenian car salesmen are using financial leasing more widely, since we joined EU. In other words since you don't have to pay customs duties for selling a car within the EU.
  • Big corporations - car companies, want to discriminate the markets and they use the local representatives to do it. They make sure that same cars are sold for different prices on different markets. For example an identical ford focus would be sold for 15000€ in Germany and 10000€ in Romania, because poorer markets demand lower prices (lets skip the different vehicle taxes issue).
  • However, this mechanism only works if there are barriers that prevent "business men" from buying cheap new cars in Romania and selling them in Germany cheaper, than the official representatives. In other words, they want to make sure EU market doesn't become a one market.
  • And the most elegant way to achieve this is by giving your buyers "special" discounts if they buy using leasing, because the leasing contracts prevent buyers form selling new cars for at least a year. (Due to ownership issues...).
  • And the guardian of free market- the EU commission says: It is OK, because we have the competition between different car brands. Audi will compete with Opel.
  • So next time you buy a car using financial leasing, remember that Hans and Lars paid the brakes and the clutch on your new car :)

Saturday, December 08, 2007

  • A portal for all who want to build stuff.
  • Basically a collection legal advice on how to build and a list of all needed professions.
  • Later a "priceline" and user rating concept can be added as well.

Bannana boat rides down Gradaščica and Ljubljanica

  • This one depends on believing in the current mayor.
  • If he manages to get all the sewage onto the "big system", this one might work.
  1. Get an old robber boat, a long one.
  2. Go to the zoo, inflate the boat and take a ride in Gradaščica, ride past Tromostovje, then get out.
  3. If you like it and it doesn't stink too much, buy/rent some old inflatable bananas. (The ones beach resorts use to pull tourists around on water) Try to work out the steering on Ljubljanica or think of shorter routes. After that, sell the service.
  4. Get a big van to pick up the equipment and drive it to the starting point.
  5. Think of alternative inflatable/rubber devices. Organize night trips.
  6. Get some artists to post pictures/art to the walls so people can enjoy them as they ride by them.
  7. Alternatively, open a summer bar in the new park built by the Gradaščica.

We want to speak freely and stupidly!

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. - Soren Kierkegaard

Telovadba #43

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10 Če odmisliš mučenje, je manj mučenja. Mučno je edino odmislit mučenje :).
  • Počutje: Strong(er)!

Get paid to listen

  • In the postindustrial society it is mostly about selling services. Many times these include public speaking or giving a presentation.
  • Though many speakers prepare themselves diligently, they still make small mistakes, that make their service average.
  • By focusing on real life practice, real improvements can be achieved. The difference between observing and evaluating a speaker / presenter at work or giving him rethorics classes is the difference between teaching driving in a car on the road and trying to teach him how to drive in a classroom.
  1. Learn more about evaluating speakers.
  2. Create a methodology and do some free test runs.
  3. Start offering your services. At first target the employers of these public speakers - for example a university or a consulting firm. Furthermore, try and focus on the proactive individuals - mostly start up firms / individuals.
  4. Too keep expenses low, teach students how to evaluate, using the existing methodology. Make sure you hire capable people. Always make sure the quality of evaluations and advices is adequate. Send people in pairs, install quality control mechanisms.
  5. Grow form there - sell improvement classes by adding some theory to practices, not the other way around.

Bar and restaurant themes

  • Normal, cool, fancy, fancier...In other words boring.
  • Some people should have some balls and do one of these:
  1. Chess bars I saw in NY (on TV), in Peru (not on TV9 and on Santorini (not on TV).
  2. Relaxed combination of a mountain gear shop, a coffee bar and a small climbing wall (saw it in Peru).
  3. Cook it yourself restaurant, where a man/woman can cook for their guests. Under supervision of pro. chefs. Furthermore, no grocery shopping or dish washing required. (found it online)
  4. Oxygen bars. (Old idea I saw online and on TV).

Friday, December 07, 2007

Sooo Romantic

Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays. - Oscar Wilde

Sooo Romantic

Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays. - Oscar Wilde

Jucky, jucky, jooou!

  • Went to the library - NUK.
  • Forgot to check if they lend a certain book. Sat behind a computer in the information center. On a computer in front of me was a middle aged man. In front of him was a pleasant young girl.
  • I almost never look at what other people are doing, but this guy was clearly acting strange, so he caught my attention.
  • He was in a rather bent position and was constantly looking at the girl, the computer screen and checking if someone was coming.
  • As I stood up to leave, I saw that he had a passionate porn clip playing on the screen, he was looking at the girl in front of him and I really don't care where his left hand was or if he was coming.
  • It is going to take some time before I use public keyboards again.

Telovadba #42

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,5/10 Dva dni pavze se pozna. Ali pa dve uri v avtu dopoldne.
  • Počutje: Vesel, da kljub dvodnevni pavzi nisem opustil zelo prijetne navade. Še dva dni "pavze"pa se mi ne bi več dalo...

Thursday, December 06, 2007


  • Lahko jaz očetu pri notarju napišem pooblastilo, da lahko dviguje priporočeno pošto zame, na banki ureja stvari, itd.? Sem študent in imam probleme s tem, ker nisem doma. Jaz dobim pošto, on je ne more prevzeti, mene ni domov in potem včasih zamudim rok za pritožbo ali kaj podobnega... A se to da, oziroma kako se to ureja?
  • Da, to je mogoče. Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku namreč v 53. členu določa, da lahko stranka določi pooblaščenca, ki jo zastopa v postopku, razen pri dejanjih, pri katerih mora stranka sama dajati izjave. V skladu z 55. členom ZUP mora biti pooblastilo pisno ali dano na zapisnik (pri upravnem organu).
  • V praksi je torej najbolj smotrno sestaviti ustrezno pisno pooblastilo in zmanjšati možnost, da upravni organ v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 55. člena ZUP podvomi v njegovo avtentičnost. Kljub temu, da imam rad notarje, v takšnih primerih za dosego zadostne avtentičnosti podpisa predlagam uporabo upravne overitve podpisa na pooblastilu, ker je nekajkrat cenejša - po zadnjih podatkih stane le malo več kot 1€. S to kratko potjo na upravno enoto namreč damo pisnemu pooblastilu "uraden element", kar je po mojih izkušnjah dovolj, da prepričamo raznovrstne uradnike o pooblaščenosti. (Le ti si namreč nadvse radi izmišljajo zahteve za katere v zakonu in podzakonskih predpisih ni pravne podlage. Mogoče pa se tako počutijo bolj pomembni...) Postopek overitve sestavljenega pooblastila je v skladu z 178b. členom ZUP precej poceni in preprost.
  • Pooblastilo naj obsega splošno pooblastilo za opravljanje upravnih dejanj, za vsak slučaj pa predlagam, da se naštejejo še posebne oblike pooblastitve - v tem primeru torej dvigovanje priporočene pošte, vložitev pritožbe na sklep o preživnini...
  • Pooblastilo za poslovanje z banko bo v določeni meri verjetno odvisno od pogodbe z banko (ki jo podpišeš ob odprtju računa), potrebno pa je upoštevati tudi določbe obligacijskega zakonika o zastopanju in pooblastilih - od 69. člena dalje. Pri takšnih pooblastilih se je potrebno vprašati ali zares želiš, da ti fotr šari po računu in prodaja tvoj avto? Točno to se namreč lahko zgodi ob preširoko napisanem pooblastilu in barvitem sporu v družini. Reševanje takšnih situacij pa gotovo ni prav zabavno in poceni.
  • Zanimivo vprašaje glede te tematike je: Zakaj praktično nihče ne uporablja možnosti, ki jim jo omogoča 55/4 ZUP - da opravi dejanje namesto osebe nekdo, ki je z njim v tesnem razmerju - na primer oče, brez posebnega pisnega pooblastila?
  • Avtor tega prispevka na noben način ne odgovarja za točnost vsebine tega prispevka.

Work this way...

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. - Peter Drucker

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Telovadba #41

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Dobro. Ne preveč zmatran. Brez idej za izvirne komentarje počutja.

If it sounds great and smells great - a must buy.

  • Marketing tricks I learned from TV shows (on discovery):
  • When a supermarket played Spanish music on wine aisle, they sold three times more Spanish wine then French. Then they changed nothing but the music - to French and sold five times more French wine than Spanish. When interviewed, the consumers said that the music had no impact on their wine choices.
  • Real estate agents use odors of fresh bread, frying bacon and fresh coffee, to sell. Pleasant smells are also getting more and more popular with clothes shops and auto dealers.
  1. Find some smell and sound manipulation devices.
  2. Sell it to local shops and car dealers.
  3. Make sure you don't cross the line and start breaking fair competition rules.

Older people are like old cars

  • They need more constant maintenance, which also gets more and more expensive.
  • They make weird noises.
  • They are often grumpy.
  • They can have a weird smell.
  • They may be losing some of their functions.
  • However, they usually have more character and experience due the distance they have traveled.

Don't worry, just understand

  • Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie

Monday, December 03, 2007

In need of some adrenaline

  • Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that! - Matt Frewer

Telovadba #40

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 6+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10 Spočit od morske pavze.
  • Počutje: Vesel štiridesete obletnice. Malo pogrešal.

Weekend at the coast

  • = me fully recharged and satisfied.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Telovadba #39

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 6+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10 Razen hypergravity, postaja ful preveč izi.
  • Počutje: Močno. Če se pripraviš na 5 pol maš pa energije za še šetsti dvig, te ful napumpa s samozavestjo. Ful čudn.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It is all about pictures

  • Even if someone wants to screw with you, he is going to take a look at the pictures first.
  • A professor, testing if I was the author of a "homework", listed through all 19 pages of a picture perfect work (excerpt from my previous faculty) and asked stupid questions about them. Most "tested" people got one question or less. I got four.
  • Obviously sometimes durign lectures, it is better to keep quiet and not show him he is wrong.
  • Now all I have left is to wait for the numbers... :).

Telovadba #38

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,6/10
  • Počutje: Pred izpitom ful paše si mal dvignit agresijo in samozavest z utežmi.

Telovadba #37

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,6/10
  • Počutje: Pred izpitom ful paše si mal dvignit agresijo in samozavest z utežmi.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How clear is a mirror other hold up for you?

  • "You are unpractical" (agricultural context).
  • "The presentation was great."
  • "You have very beautiful eyes that would fit perfectly with a blue-silver tie."

Telovadba #36

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10
  • Počutje: Mal razbremenit možgane je fajn. Dans pa sam še 6 ur dela!

Still true (Laws are still made this way)

Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. - Otto von Bismarck

Monday, November 26, 2007

Telovadba #35

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,4/10
  • Počutje: Mal razbremenit možgane je fajn. Zdej pa sam še 8 ur dela danes.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just a few ideas that need to go out of my head

  • I can start working.
  1. Create small, portable, cheap models similar to this concept. Get a pseudo scientist to develop a method of achieving optimal/work concentration and sell the product as a efficient test method.
  2. Rent small rowing boats on the coast. Pendollinos (or something) are gay. Try t be original and add aquaskipper and perhaps a hydrofoil sailboats. Decrease the sot by icluding ads on the rented equipment.
  3. Get Istrabenz (or other investors) to build a big aqua park at our coast (doesn't have to be right at sea) and save the future business.
  4. Convince BTC that skydiving wind tunnel would be economically feasible. Use trademark, image and completeness arguments.
  • ...ok now I can finally go and complete the things that need to be done.

Telovadba #34

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (z obrati)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (z obrati)
  • 5+5 z 10 kg uteži.
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Po pavzi je delo precej lažje.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Online legal manual and lectures for employees

  • A whole new digital world. So many questions.
  • But so little answers.
  1. Study about all legal potential legal issues of online world. Be extremely practical.
  2. Find and collect interesting examples (both legislature and other practical advices).
  3. Create a neat, short presentation. Focus on practical areas.
  4. Write and publish articles in smaller magazines.
  5. Use an organization with some references as a solid basis for marketing. Make sure its web page is perfect.
  6. Look for mistakes done on web pages or leaks that surfaced in the media and then sell them your services.
  7. After your brilliant presentation is complete, make sure you have lots of practical project offers.

Friday, November 23, 2007

When you feel really down.

Remember that you were the winning sperm! One out of 100.000.

The bitch started moving...

  • ...counterclockwise. She moved clockwise before. When I was reading this left brain hemisphere took over. Weird feeling. (click on the picture to see how oriented you are and visit the source too see the description).
  • During meditation and hypnosis, the left frontal lobe becomes more active. And people become happier...
  • Wouldn't it be great to learn how to consciously change the dominant hemisphere?

Time management scheme

The most depressing week of this year (my life?)

  • From friday to friday.
  • Not enough sleep for all the wrong reasons.
  • Worrying about sick people.
  • Sleeping too much and then doing to little.
  • Not even getting contacted about a business proposal. Starting to doubt my future, weighing the options.
  • Watching myself change because of all the above reasons.
  • And of course the fucking depressing November weather.
  • But everything is about to change. TONIGHT.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What personal leadership is all about

The cold age in my home

  • The heating system failed. In the morning it was fucking cold.
  • Well at least I felt it that way, because there was only 17 C inside.
  • Which got me soft have I (we) become? And how very dependent on gas and oil companies?

Telovadba #33

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Fajn. Danes zaradi počitak izpustil hypergravity...čeprov me bo pomoje popldne prijelo, da še tisto naredim.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Stop the employee overburn

  • Some people tend to work so hard their work efficiency and eventually their life crumbles.
  • Maybe a "smart" internet solution might help improve the situation.
  1. Learn about the consequences of working too hard.
  2. Create a web page that gives advice and very graphical warnings. Make it fun and serious.
  3. Focus on getting the how much do I work data...user input (simple task bars...) , calendars (outlook, Google calendar...). Then process it based on the collected data. Create automatic java and/or e-mail and/or sms...warnings.
  4. Be obsessed with security and constantly work on improving the idea.
  5. Work with social network pages...create a workaholic app.
  6. Use the collected data for focused marketing. Banners...

Copy the austrian appartment renatal model

  • Slovenia has so much to learn about tourism.
  • And we should learn and copy from real professionals. The Austrians. Every village has its own information system to enable room booking.
  • Basically, a small village in the middle of Austrian nowhere has a better booking system than our capital.
  1. Learn how their system works. Use the...its a school assignment excuse if needed.
  2. Go to a company that is capable of building such a system and offer them your experience. Get a partnership contract for the project.
  3. Sell the project to municipalities (over 200 potential customers), maybe even separate towns.
  4. In time offer the government to create a national system. Cooperate with foreign accommodation services.
  5. Make sure your partnership will be given the system support contract.

Telovadba #32

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (5 biceps + 5 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,2/10 Če se človek namreno razjezi, je ful laž čutiš.
  • Počutje: Ne več tko zlo jezen.

Don't let the flow suck you in

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. - Alan Kay

Being proactive

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Importance of critical coprehension

Egoistic use of central heating

  • This one is for the egoistic, capitalistic bastards.
  • In winter residents of a building have to pay for heating. Heat=money. The more you use, the more you pay.
  • However, the consumption measuring usually depends upon the surface of the flat or the results from heat meters.
  1. Attach pieces of copper onto the hottest parts of heating systems. Usually the hot water pipe. If you don't have direct access to them, use the radiator. (This isn't about aesthetics, be creative about that!)
  2. CPU cooling systems would probably work best - old ones can be very cheap. To improve the heat sucking, make sure the fan on the cooler is on.
  3. If you want to be fancy attach it to something that produces current form the difference between cool and hot. (Not sure if it exists or how much it costs).
  4. Enjoy the feeling of screwing your neighbors! (Next time just install a bigger radiator, you geek!)

Telovadba #31

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (5 biceps + 5 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,6/10 Predvsem zaradi obteženih ramen.
  • Počutje: Fajn. Pozitivno. Težje naloge (+10kg), ki jih uspešno opraviš zaradi več truda, ti dajo več občutka zadovoljstva.

Making scientific articles useful

  • All serious magazines make their articles publicly available some time after publishing it. The reason is that they can make more money off them if they "give" them to the public and increase their reputation, the public eyes.
  • Everyone who works in science has to publish articles or they lose their researcher status. But oftentimes in our national magazines, these articles get printed, the authors get their points, a few readers read them and then they get hopelessly lost in the old physical issues of these magazines. Sometimes libraries have them, sometimes they don't.
  1. Offer national and foreign magazines that publish the articles, to post their content on an organized web page...where their and the authors name will be visible.
  2. Deal with all the legal (copyright) issues. Personally I would recommend a CC model of license with some modified conditions.
  3. Go through their legal forms and modify it for them.
  4. Post the articles on an organized and search-able page. (Optional: Use the or other similar project as your database, maybe even wiki).
  5. Earn some revenue on each of these steps (get paid for the organization and project management), try to get governmental, EU and private sponsorship.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Second life embassy

  • 4,1 million users and growing.
  • Furthermore, these users are on the cutting edge of technology. Even oxford lectures are held in the digital world.
  • These users have much weigh in real life. They must know bout your country!
  1. Create a second life account. Play it until you know the game in detail.
  2. Offer your government (some political connections might help), to coordinate the establishment of its embassy in the game. (Estonia, Sweden and some other advanced countries have already done that).
  3. Get paid for your promotion (if i feel Slovenia got 200.000€, we seem to have quite some money).
  4. (Optional): If you have no life or a should become a professional player and start trading with digital real estates. (A woman form USA already earned over a million $ that way).
  5. Think of other ways of applying real life to digital life and making money!

How to deal with capitalistic arguments

The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet. - William Gibson

Telovadba #30

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (4 biceps + 4 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,6/10 ...Če se pripraviš na tri ponovitve in potem narediš 4 se ti zdi četrta velik težja kot, če bi se mentalno pripravil na 4 ali 5.
  • Počutje: Ok. Telovadba prijazno poboža ego.

Politics. Why should we care?

Source (CC)

Try considering PMS effects!


Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. - Orson Welles

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Alone with your body and its flaws

  • Imagine having very high blood pressure, your hearth throbbing, head and chest hurting at every heartbeat.
  • Your mind filling with questions related with possible stroke and death. The end.
  • But worse then that, the feeling of being alone. Without someone close to you caring.
  • Loneliness getting deadly...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Telovadba #29

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (5 biceps + 5 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,6/10 Mam počasi rad uteži.
  • Počutje: Fajn, se je dan začel?

How small is the world?

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it. - Steven Wright

Why are other people laughing when you say something?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Telovadba #28

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Fajn, zbujen. Hypergravitacijskemu treningu sem se odpovedal, ker imam malo čuden občutek tm okrog 15-20ega vretenca. Najprej zdravje.

  • Bought new furniture and are disappointed with all the defects of the delivered product?
  • Water leaking into your newly bought apartment?
  • Has your car broken down too fast?
  1. Create a web forum (it must be based on the B2C principles)where people can complain about products.
  2. Use categories used on big C2C web markets.
  3. Add legal and practical advice on what to do when things go wrong (following categories).
  4. Get funding from the state or consumer organizations. (Association with a special significance, would work quite well here)
  5. Ads.
  6. Grow to services and when you gather enough data, create ratings.

Second opinion

  • Entrepreneurs and big businesses alike, need to develop new projects all the time. Without them they become uncompetitive.
  • Planing is crucial to achieve the set goals.
  • For effective planning as much data and information is needed.
  • In the process of gathering of all this data, people oftentimes grow too attached to the project.
  • That means that they inherently become too subjective to do their job optimally.
  1. Create a catchy web page (probably needs to be national, because of legislation and terminology).
  2. Offer the most basic business plan planner (a simple java application).
  3. Because no matter how much data you have in the end you must estimate certain measures...use the concept of (now dead) google answers, where users asking questions offer a reward for an alternative business plan, that companies can use to optimise theirs.
  4. Be obsessed about information and legal security or others won't be willing to exchange their ideas and data.
  5. Get a cut from the rewards and add targeted ads.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Run and hide, she is coming!

Waiter and salesmen clothes

  • Square meters of ad surface. Right?
  1. Find a good design team.
  2. Cooperate with someone who can make normal quality clothes cheaply and rather quickly (on the east).
  3. Market your services / products to big companies and bar owners.
  4. (optional) Start small by having sexy T-shirts for bars. (For example: Print original beer ads on them...)

Telovadba #27

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (4 biceps + 4 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,5/10 Tut na uteži (baggage), se človek navadi.
  • Počutje: Fajn. Drgač me malo skelijo oči. Mam tko bl na pol odprte.

Everybody lies

  • Day or night...everbody lies.

Who/what is screwing with our collective minds?

For natural science topics

The great tragedy of Science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. - Thomas H. Huxley

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My comment of national politics


How much work is really needed?

Improving vocabulary and feeding the poor

  • FreeRice.
  • And I don't really care how much money the web page operators earn. This page is great if you feel like your English vocabulary has gotten somewhat stuck.
  • Furthermore, it is a great place to send people who are talking about how we should feed the hungry.
  • Personally, I dread the German version! (Probably wouldn't reach vocabulary level 21 there :) ).

Need to buy more stuff!!!

Telovadba #26

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Štemanje z 10kg utežmi (3 biceps + 3 triceps)
  • Matranje 7,6/10 Z utežmi (baggage) je življenje velik bl zajeban.
  • Počutje: Fajn. Velik energije.

  • Afternoon activity with growth potential.
  • Most computers I have stumbled upon are horrifically loud.
  • Very bad for your nerves and productivity...
  • And most people who try to fix the problems themselves screw up.
  1. Learn everything their is to know on this topic (won't take too long). Get some partners. Buy a noise meter, to show improvements in dB.
  2. Buy some material to fix the problem on e-Bay.
  3. Create a simple web page with some advice (to show you know stuff).
  4. Market your you bring it to us and we fix it fast and cheap. Remember your price must be lower then the price of components + trying to fix it themselves.
  5. Use different mediums for point 4. Forums, ad words on local search engines, viral marketing...would probably work best.
  6. Don't forget about liability issues. Prepare.
  7. Try to grow and sell your services to companies. Silence their machines for personal use over weekend.

Ku-ku clock with brain

  • I hate being awoken by the noise of an alarm clock. It isn't healthy.
  • I also hate to oversleep. Being late or feeling somewhat dizzy also doesn't make a perfect day.
  • Needed amount of sleep varies from individual to individual. But it can be calculated and the calculations can be adjusted.
  • Most of us also set our alarm clocks when we go to bed.
  • Combining all of these concepts:
  1. Find advanced ku-ku clocks manufacturer, that produces clocks that wake people with the simulating sunrise. You know a light getting stronger and stronger...and then a positive melody starts to play.
  2. Make sure it is really smart, so you can program it in a way that allows you go to bed, and it calculates how much sleep you need. So you are always woken at the correct time.
  3. Get some quasi researches done into how healthy that is.
  4. Use social pyramid and some bio-energy bullshit to market it. To ensure correct operation of such "bio-machines" establish a bio-balancing mechanism - which is really cheap. (The idea is to help people calculate how much to sleep and sell them bio-services...)
  5. Connect with the bio society and do the marketing for them.

Look at the previous post

  • The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. - Joseph Conrad
  • Women, not men!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's genetic

Cell phone usage in the future

Telovadba #25

  • utranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Matranje 7,5/10
  • Počutje: Vroče + kronični muskelfiber. Zanimivo.

How much do you want it? (update)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Communicate persuasively

How much do you want it?

Brain splattered over cold pavement

  • Do you drive? If no, stop reading.
  • Do you drive after work, at night? If no, stop reading.
  • Do you sometimes drive tired, with sore eyes? If no, stop reading.
  • Do you ever think of what might happen to you it you do drive tired, with sore eyes?
  • Well I saw one guy today. He ran over another unsuspecting pedestrian. Hopefully the doctors will help him to full health.
  • What would happen to the tired driver if he killed him on the spot or worse, make him a paraplegic?
  1. He would probably suffer from horrific moral hang over. Which can't be treated with aspirin.
  2. He could potentially go to jail. And serve five years or maybe even more.
  3. Many other thinks...which actually seem quite unimportant because of the first two points.
  • Do you think of the possible consequences of a moment of lapsed concentration behind the wheel?

Working a bit too hard?

  • For me, the thin line is crossed when I go to the bathroom to shave and then start washing my teeth. Again.
  • But on the other hand, it must be good for the teeth.

Telovadba #24

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Matranje 7,4/10
  • Počutje: Ful mi je vroče. Nimam pojma zakaj.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

  • Some ads in newspapers or on web pages are horrible. Bad. Downright annoying.
  1. Register a domain. Create a web page that has a register of all possible individual to individual ad posting.
  2. Have your customers write to you (fill a form) on what they want to advertise...are they selling a house, offering massage service, changing car tyers?
  3. Find creative students and offer them a cut (or per hour salary) for every good ad they write. Slowly build a database of effective ads. Enhance pictures they send you. Make sure you include the feed back option. (for example: offer you customers discounts on next services if they fill a short interview on how their ad worked).
  4. Create ads for individuals and post them on chosen mediums.
  5. Charge a small cut for your services. (If it costs too much, you won't be worth it!)

Certify national software

  • There is no organization that would be willing to inspect and certify home made software.
  • Which is a shame, because I believe the market exists. Especially the government that spends tons of money on bad code, has probably learned from experience and would pay that extra 5% to get the software double checked.
  1. Establish a company, find some experts...probably not full time. College professors and assistants would probably be very nice targets.
  2. Outsource testing.
  3. Market it to both vendors and buyers.

Finishing free drink and check

  • Today at Chinese restaurant I was impressed by the idea of a finishing drink.
  • It is a very polite way of saying drink this, pay and get out, thus freeing capacities.
  1. Think of drinks that might work at other kinds of restaurants.
  2. Find a wide variety of glasses.
  3. Put all of that online.
  4. Sell the idea, the glasses and drinks to other restaurants.

What is digital piracy? No, really...

  • This policy of Canadian police got me thinking.
  • Although the source of this information isn't what you would call totally credible, the information it contains for me is.
  • It is next to impossible to go after file (or P2P) sharing, because every time you come up with a great idea on how to stop it, the users have something to fight it. Of course, that won't stop RIAA and similarly friendly organizations from trying to use technological measures to stop it. Oftentimes illegally.
  • But there is something much worse going on. Someone has been playing with our minds!
  • Since I know it, modern pirates were people who sold you CDs... (of software, music...), that they stole form others. In other words if they are earning money by stealing from copyright owners, they are pirates. Lending your friend a copy of a book or computer game without making money, was never called piracy. Until today.
  • File sharing is more and more often uncritically called piracy, by organizations representing copyright owners interests. It doesn't matter if 13 year old kids don't sell copies of music over P2P, if it can hurt the interests of big media companies it is piracy. Period. End of discussion.
  • The most worrying thing about that is, that some legislators (USA) have also accepted this view. And so have some big media companies, that affect public perception. (and are owned by...who?). That is why single mothers are rather easily found guilty of "piracy" and are condemned to fines exceeding 200.000$. Get those piratez!
  • I support the prosecution of people who sell other peoples creative works for money. Get those pirates! As for file sharing...I don't think that the majority of people in our society (that in fact do share files) are drinking rum, screaming arrrgh and enjoying booties.

Weird choices

In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. - Andre Maurois

Telovadba #23

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse 2 iztegnjene noge + 4 desna rotacija telesa + 6 noramal + 4 v levo + 2 iztegnjene...
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (glej zgoraj)
  • Matranje 7,5/10
  • Počutje: Mam musklfiber od tazaresnega plezanja.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grave thoughts...

  • Some people like to light candles. Or dance on graves.
  • But sometimes finding the remains is hard or next to impossible. So there is much less burning and dancing as people would like.
  1. Get graveyard maps with locations of the graves. Get it online and enable search. Organize graveyards...
  2. Add ads. Try to get financial support form the authorities.
  3. If you fail at getting financial blessings, expect some legal problems. Prepare.
  4. Update regularly.
  5. Cooperate with social networks so people know when and where to go when some people leave to "other networks".
  6. Try to live with yourself.

Telovadba #22

  • Na tako lep dan se ne spodobi telovaditi v zaprtih prostorih.
  • Zato sem šel raztegnit svoje ude na rimski zid.
  • Do tja sem v enem kosu (nihče ni gledal) pretekel 200m. Dobr bo za ponovni začetek tekanja.
  • Potem sem splezal po Janezu tja in nazaj.
  • Ker nisem imel dost sem splezal kocko med obema, potem pa do vdrtine na Marjanu in nazaj.
  • PS: Nisem kot bi rekel Jelinčič: pederaš, toplovodar, ritopik, topli bratec...imam pa resne pomisleke o tistem, ki je poimenoval smeri na rimskem zidu. Sploh, ker je poln lukenj. Fuj. :)

Most politicians and news reporters do it all the time

  • A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
  • Thats not to say they are stupid. Right?


  • Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half the time. - EB White

Balanced communicator

Friday, November 09, 2007

On human body

  • Took one hour to chill out in front of a quality documentary. Here is what I (re)learned:
  1. Men produce over 1000 sperm cells every minute.
  2. Human body consists of over 100billion cells.
  3. Brains define who we are. Our personality.
  4. Brains are very flexible and susceptible to change.
  5. There are monks that meditate for half an hour under a frigid waterfall every day.
  6. Meditation switches (in 20 seconds in experienced monks) the brain activity from right frontal lobe to left one...thus changing serious, worrying thoughts to happy, relaxed ones (left frontal lobe).
  7. 3 minutes of meditation 3 times a day can have very positive effects on ones psyche and health. I will give this one a go.

  • Finally another global idea. (If you use any of my ideas and succeed, I will be very proud of you. Furthermore you can give me 5% of the revenue, invite me to the management of the firm and buy me a beer.)
  • People in general are lazy when it comes to doing chores, homework assignments, work assignments, work outs...and sometimes we need that extra helping kick in our lazy ass.
  1. Register the above domain and enable users to register as mamaslappers and lazyasses (can use more normal terms if you think that would work better).
  2. The system should process the assignments and alarm the slappers to write their asses a juicy message if they didn't do what they should. The check system of providing proof should also be included.
  3. Use the standard ways of getting money from web pages.
  4. Connect with biggest social networks and create joint projects (apps) - follow the example of iLike on Facebook.

  • Some people actually still use public transport.
  • They also use internet.
  • Public transport organizers usually don't have the incentives to make scedgules really user friendly.
  • There is lots of software that gather data from other pages.
  1. Create (learn from other foreign models) a system that collects all the data.
  2. Make it really user friendly (pictures, schemes...).
  3. Register domains. (, and if you feel successful- a trademark.
  4. In time add different transport types (trains, coaches, private transport...) so that someone who wants to travel on a desired date has a direct comparison.
  5. Add ads.
  6. Market. Focus on search engines.

Passively cool (or warm)

  • The idea is very much simple. Engineering probably isn't.
  • If the sun shines stronger it is hotter, but there is also more solar power for cooling.
  • The idea is not to cool huge skyscrapers...but to constantly use solar power to cool or heat spaces toward desired temperature.
  • Install it (on the roof), set the desired temperature and forget it exists.
  1. Follow the prices and development of such systems.
  2. When the time is right (electricity gets expensive enough) start importing.

Telovadba #21

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3) - no ja skor.
  • Matranje 7,5/10
  • Počutje: Ok. Najprej se mi skor ni dalo, pol ti pa kr neki manjka...kt pri tekaški zasvojenosti.

Extremes hurt

We all make mistakes

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Warm drinks for cold days

  • You have probably seen or heard about people selling drinks in many tourist destinations. Personally I remember men selling tea on Moroccans beaches.
  • I believe this concept could also be used in more modern cities.
  1. Find an appropriate back pack/equipment for serving. Don't forget nice recyclable and sterile looking cups. (maybe packed in PVC).
  2. Have a vehicle parked near your "business location".
  3. Wear an appropriate costume and target places with money...lunch hours next to office buildings, later shopping malls...
  4. (Optional): Market drinks or services for other companies by giving away free drinks in cold winter...
  5. Get all the permits (or pray the inspectors don't get you).

Bombe na sodišču!!!

  • Ob takšnih novicah se človek najprej malo nasmeji, ko si predstavlja tožilce in sodnike kako v haljah skačejo skozi okna.
  • Po kratkem razmisleku o tem koliko to dejansko stane (delovne ure kvalificiranih pravnikov in ostalih, zaupanje v sodstvo, stroški policijske akcije...), pa nisem več tako nasmejan. Do takih klicev (če malo pošpekuliram) prihaja , ker:
  1. Obdolženi mislijo, da se bodo izognili sodni obravnavi (bo preložena) in ne bodo trpeli posledic, ker jih ne bodo ujeli.
  2. Nekateri uživajo v za......nju sodstva in policije.
  3. Se nekaterim sodnikom tisti dan ne da delati (priznam, absurdna misel).
  4. So začele pripravništvo res lepe diplomantke - bombe! (...še bolj absurdna misel)
  • Situacija pa se je zaostrila že do te mere, da sodišča pred pomembnimi ("velikimi" ) obravnavami z dodatnimi varnostniki pregledajo in zaščitijo sodne dvorane in njihovo okolico, kar pomeni, da se obravnava tudi v primeru bombnega alarma ne prelaga, ker lahko z dovolj visoko stopnjo gotovosti vedo, da "tista dvorana ne bo eksplodirala".
  • V primeru, da bi bil na odgovornem položaju, ki bi preprečeval takšne preplahe bi se poleg sedanjih ukrepov lotil še dveh stvari:
  1. Na novinarski konferenci bi medijem predstavil primere, ko so bili klicatelji ujeti in bodo primerno kaznovani (generalna prevencija in pošiljanje simbolnih sporočil družbi).
  2. Policiji bi predlagal, da postane še bolj učinkovita s primerjanjem časov preplahov z razpisanimi (na spletni strani sodišč) obravnavami. Verjetno pa bi bilo smotrno tudi takšno metodo pojasniti medijem. Morda bi se poleg "to je kaznivo..." v člankih pojavil še kakšen članek o tem, da vas bodo verjetno dobili. (Odločitev za klic (verjetnost) = zagoržena kazen krat verjetnost, da te dobijo).

  • Get a nice, short, still available (for not too much $) domain name. (Eu or com is usually easier to get if you are an individual).
  • Learn java or find someone who knows it well and plan a nice simple web page. Let it be about posting ads online, but instead of the old boring model let it show stuff as it would show on a real board. Furthermore the posting should be as simple as dragging objects onto drawings in diagramming tools.
  • Don't forget to add smart search functions that only display sought categories.
  • Charge € for larger than ordinary pin ups and add ads.
  • Get it online cheaply (partner with some smaller hosting provider).
  • Market it and hope it looks good enough for the consumers.

Telovadba #20

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Matranje 7,3/10
  • Počutje: Malo bolj zbujen. Malo musklfibra. Mogoče kasneje še štemanje z utežmi.

Two unconnected and unsupported facts

  • Humans work 20% more effectively when they are observed by someone they don't know.
  • It takes a mere 250Mbit of sensory input to overwhelm a nervous system of an average human individual.
  • Interesting, isn't it?

Buses and car parks

  • Are unusual places for having sex, but quite appropriate for making money.
  • Not with sex. But with wending machines.
  • I feel that many of us would be willing to buy that cold drink during a hot&sweaty traffic jam...or at least some chewing gum to offer to your co-passenger and ease his breath. As for parking lots, that would be continent.
  1. Find suitable (small, but rigid) machines online. Or find someone who could produce them.
  2. Make a business plan.
  3. Go to public transportation office and car park owners and offer them your solution. Its a win win win, because they improve their services, their customers get better choice and you get a cut.

Small business principles

  • The main idea comes from Seth's blog.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Telovadba #19

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • 2 + 2 hypergravity.
  • Matranje 7,4/10
  • Počutje: Fajn. Malo me skrbi kr se mi zdi, da sem si površinsko natrgal - je ena rdeča črtica ratala, pa malo me skeli- mišico pod levim komolcem. (ko končam še medicino, bom lahko napisal latinsko ime).

Work less, work good

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Telovadba #18

  • 3x štemanje bicepsi z 10 kg na hrbtu.
  • 4x štemanje tricepsi z 10 kg na hrbtu.
  • Počutje: Kot Stalone v Cliffhangerju :). Hyper-gravity-trening pa definitivo pomaga, če ga delaš pravilno. Drugače si pač zjebeš komolce.
  • Če si malo načet je verjetno res boljše počivat, da telo pride k sebi. Jutri pa zares (ne stranka)!

Living of a blog

  • I am grateful that some people are trying to do exactly that. Quality "free" content for all. Nice. Information communism with a sprinkle of abstract level (ads) of capitalism?

On how to act on special occasions

  • People are always nervous when dealing with unknown.
  • May it be a wedding, funeral, celebration or something in between, the result of that nervousness that someone does something wrong (no bonton) or feels so tight he doesn't enjoy the occasion (which is the point of the celebration, right?).
  1. Go to one of the classes organizers and offer this kind of tutoring. Arrange for them to do the marketing and provide facilities. (Optional, organize it yourself).
  2. Create a simple slide show, which is fun and explicit...use pictures and diagrams. Focus on how things progress, basics of good manner. Then have either group drills or offer individual classes (where you also help with speeches and stuff).
  3. Market your services...focus on spreading the word.


  • Failing to plan is planing to fail.

Monday, November 05, 2007

BB of democracy?

Night of internal torture

  • One of those rare nights.
  • I had severe difficulty falling asleep from 24:00 to 1:00. I just felt funny, anxious, uncalm.
  • At 5:00AM I was abruptly awoken by neck pain.
  • Which soon turned into a round and round head pain. Excellent.
  • I took action. Half of aspirin. Didn't do shit for 20 minutes...took another half.
  • Still nothing.
  • The throbbing feeling started to spread to my abdominal muscles. I started feeling like a drug addict without a dose. Horrible cramping feeling. Couldn't lie in bead, so I walked around a bit. Kids don't do drugs, the downside must be far worse than the up side.
  • After watching people get up and go to their boring jobs at 6:00AM, I slowly in some moderate pain, I finally fell asleep.
  • Woke up with a slight cold. That is it.
  • Here are my speculations on how I got this phenomenal (one night stand) cold:
  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Overstraining muscles (climbing and stuff) which in turn let the infections in.
  3. Getting some sort of fancy virus or bacteria form someone watching the same slid show on Saturday.
  4. Hot muscles + burja (cold wind) on Friday's climbing trip.
  5. Combination of all of the above.

Mistakes as part / end of life

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. - Al Franken

Do you have any facts supporting that?

  • I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • On effectively attacking idealistic cases...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Just connect it

SafeSun tanning equipment

  • I got pale. There is not enough sun to get a tan.
  • I hate solariums. They are 1. unhealthy, 2. smelly, 3. expensive, 4.inconvenient (Optional: 5. gay).
  • I was also thinking about what I would sell to Americans, the country of countless can holders and plastic ....something.
  • Combining these stupid thoughts gave this result (garbage in - garbage out?):
  1. Take an ordinary set of foldable glasses for faster face tan. (I saw they use it in american movies- I feel like Borat now).
  2. Get a bored scientist. (Lots of them in Slovenia at the moment).
  3. Cooperate with him to manufacture the same stuff with added ray absorption or something that prevents too much damage to the skin. It should auto adapt to the lightness - like some fancy eye glasses do. Furthermore add a new way it is folded or something.
  4. Write a very good disclaimer! + If possible, patent it!
  5. Get in contact with someone who can organize mass production and marketing.
  6. Enjoy your cut.

Bad habits bite (not turning the lights on)

  • Someone (not me) got used to not turning the lights on. Because they weren't needed for something done with such routine.
  • Life is a funny thing, because routine is often broken by external intervention.
  • And these situations really make me laugh.
  • Comedians aren't really funny, life is!

Chocolate dragons of Ljubljana

  • All the tourists must bring something home. Even from Ljubljana. If it represents the city, so much the better.
  • Mozart "balls" :), may be great for Salzburg, but Prešeren "balls" just suck for Ljubljana.
  • The solution is quite simple:
  1. create (or get someone to do one form or another) some designs and concepts of the product. (a big chocolate dragon the size of easter rabbits, small chocolate bars, milka size...). Green dragon giving you power...sonds just right. Even the kids will love it (hopefully).
  2. go to Rustica or some other great chocolate producers. Make sure it is exclusive. Gorenka probably won't cut it.
  3. present them the idea in a very professional way (with NDA agreements) and offer to market/distribute it for them (they do the production you do marketing and distribution).
  4. secure a brand name. Go for OHIM registration.

  • What to wear. A hard question, especially when you have tons of clothes scattered across the whole apartment. Or even more of them.
  • It would help to have a digital collection of all your clothes...neatly organized.
  1. Buy the above domain.
  2. Create a user friendly web page.
  3. Make sure the page is very logical when it comes to personal wardrobe classification, is very easy to add new categories and adding pictures or descriptions of your stuff online.
  4. Also make sure to add dates of when the item was added to wardrobe. (you know that clothes don't get better with time).
  5. Add direct ads to online and of line clothes shops.
  6. Try to collaborate with social network pages (to prevent friends from buying same stuff) and add new features with time (fashion advice, alerts...).

Telovadba #18

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse (3 + 5 + 7 +5 + 3)
  • Matranje 7,4/10 .
  • Počutje: Boljše. Telovadba pomaga, če se počutiš malo ranljivo.

Reasonable belief?

Underpowered? Resort to last resort.

Putting compliments into perspective

  • If you invite friends and family to your place and show them your new kitchen that you designed and bought...
  • Or if you buy new shoes, would your girlfriend say the color is off, or they could be used in a circus? (Note: I didn't buy any new shoes recently!)
  • Would they ever say it is hideous?
  • Probably not.
  • Always recognize the subjective nature of the opinion or compliment.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Iter by itself

Iter = way, path...

Toooo much orange juice?

New medical equipment shortens waiting rows?

  • Every time health minister or director of medical facilities ceremonially puts new medical equipment into use there are always big words of how this will reduce waiting rows for at least three months.
  • Funny words, really. Because they say that for last five years patients had to wait for treatment for a year (hearth surgery, cancer treatment...). In other words they will wait for only 10 months from now on.
  • Which is illogical, because if the flow of patients is relatively constant (rows data for the last five years...) and you increase the "production" capacities (from 4 machines to 5), the waiting rows should diminish in time.
  • But they usually don't because of other deciding factors like doctors willingness to work (use the new tools) and the amount of money used for this kind of treatment (these two are very much correlated).
  • On the bright side...patients do usually get better treatment (on new devices). But the bottom line is that in the end it is all about money and how much we are willing to give it to others.
  • I will go out and say that only 2% of people actually think about this topic in this way...and most of them are probably making nice profits selling medical equipment to the state.


  • Is a perfect German word (I hope it is) for muscle ache.
  • I'd expect it to be mainly because of yesterdays climbing trip. However:
  1. My middle finger hurts from finishing Mcrae Dirt (PC game) in one day (5:30 playing time) - I got ill and angry and had relatively nothing to do.
  2. My arms hurt from helping a friend move to a new apartment (carrying five suits on clotheshangers in one hand is really hard.)
  3. Well, maybe my hands hurt a little bit because of climbing. But it was worth it. Furthermore, because of climbing I have gotten strong enough to open the jar of pickles all by myself.

See what other people are doing

  • When taking out the trash I took a glance at the stickers on the walls next to the entrance. Here is what they are offering:
  1. Massages (25€ per hour + 15€ for a face massage...Still I can't help but wonder how much Sasho charges for erotic massages. I bet ladies over 60 just adore him).
  2. Instructions for less gifted students...10€ per hour...and not worth my nerves. Explaining how to solve x + 2 = 6 for the tenth time is probably a blast.
  3. Moving services...great business. The problem is that most people forget about the amortization of their spinal column.
  4. Same applies for painters, carpenters, wood workers...the only difference is that they should also amortize lungs.
  5. Adventure agency which takes you to exotic trips to hills and dips around Ljubljana each weekend. I like the idea, but hate its marketing approach.
  6. So if I were to choose one of these professions, I'd be a plumber. Lest work for most added value.

Telovadba #17

  • Jutranje radosti
  • Piramida štemanja za tricepse
  • Piramida štemanja za bicepse
  • Matranje 7,7/10 . Muskelfiber od vsega hudega.
  • Počutje: Dobro. Telovadba pomaga pri borbi s prehladom.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Sinergy (or when people work together)

Facilitating (climber) needs

  • Climbers aren't generally rich. But they spend quite a lot of money on their equipment, beer and in some cases accommodation.
  • So I can't understand some local landowners of estates near climbing walls, why they are refusing to create some extra revenue form their visits. At the moment they are, by rule either trying to get money of them the easiest (most ineffective) way - charge them for parking or are trying to get rid of these weird people. Here are a few of mine win-win ideas:
  1. Let them park for free, but sell them beer and put a free donation box for maintenance there.
  2. Open a "hostel" (upgrade your barn a bit). Make it cheap, but get the revenue by selling hot showers...
  3. Put free benches and other relaxation facilities on site (similar to relaxation benches on Šmarna gora or at the coast). Make sure they have enough ads of climbing equipment printed on them. And that these shops pay for them, because it is in the end the best way to really get in touch with your future customers.
  4. Sell that piece of land to someone who will actually know how to use it and buy something peaceful elsewhere.

A classical one on thiefs

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop

Telovadba #16

  • Plezanje, črni kal. Toplo jesensko sonce + pogled na morje + kalamari.
  • 5 smeri. (več na Ena po vpenjanju še top rope. Ugotovitev: Če se potrudit plezati s stilom in sproščeno je 100% lažje.
  • Počutje: Zelo fajn.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I need it...soon

Advice on buying big.

  • I don't like it when experienced salesmen (professionals) screw ordinary people.
  • I especially don't like it when they screw them over when they are making the greatest investments of their lives = car or real estate.
  1. Register a catchy domain, that tells you will find free advice and info. on big buys.
  2. Get some books, study them and publish the advices. Make sure you use the google principle when creating the homepage, so everything is easy to find (don't put tons of stuff and links on one page.)
  3. Create a forum and invite experts to answer questions there. Good posts should be rewarded.
  4. (Optional) Add the option of users rating their salesmen. Furthermore, from the begining you specialize in a couple of interesting issues (like reclamations and claims).
  5. Get ads and possible government funding (as an association with special purpose).

Drawing #2

If you don't know what it means look at the file name!

Drawing #1

  • I was always bad at drawing by hand. Now it is time for me to try and see how much better I can get with computers.
  • Here is my first drawing and it has a "hidden" message. Can you read it?
  • (A great (public) speaker has a lot of knowledge and a storytelling talent. If one is unbalanced, he is not great.)
  • If you want to see a pro doing something similar, I recommend indexed.

Best profit margins

  • are to be found in businesses that don't yet exist or are too dirty or morally sensitive.
  • First example is production of urns and coffins. Form what I've heard (unconfirmed) they sell with over 400% margins. Nice.
  • Dirty businesses. Treating garbage or other kinds of wastes also has very high margins.
  • And I shall not go into marginally legal activities like lending money or running a pawnshop.
  1. Fuck dirty, immoral, or is about money right?