Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fighting stuffy air since ....

  • Most buildings in ex socialist Europe have passive, ineffective ventilation.
  • Owners of these buildings, have more money, because they are enjoying the benefits of capitalism7democracy.
  • But most of them still suffer from stuffy air in their apartments.
  1. Partner with someone that has an engineering degree.
  2. Import or start distributing systems for ventilation. Make sure they suck well. Literally.
  3. Market the complete ventilation systems to complex operators (they get a % of all renovation costs, so they are motivated!) and directly to owners (fliers will do the trick, for people stuffed in.)
  4. Make sure you have a wide array of decorative and technological choices. For example it wouldn't hurt to have solar panel powered main vents on top of buildings, with auxiliary option of a normal, electrical power up.
  5. Create a team for installation and maintenance of these systems. Or partner with an existing one. (It already is big business in optimizing old heating systems)

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