Friday, October 26, 2007

For dummies: To manipulate women

  • Not in a bad way or against their will...from hypnosis and is quite easy to learn that that is almost impossible (I am talking about at least average women here). We are just improving some behavior traits.
  • Whenever she does something you disapprove of, don't yell at her or tell her she is stupid. If you want something to change...compliment her about it. Be overly polite about it.
  • "Honey, you are absolutely wonderful, when you try to boss me around." or "Deary, I love it when you drive so aggressively (if she nearly kills a pedestrian)." (Almost normal voice tone, that doesn't sound too much as a provocation).
  • She has nothing to object to, but she will think about it.
  • (If you read this, don't call me a manipulator, women do this on so much deeper levels to men all the time!)

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