Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just a night out...

And here are The quotes of the night: ( in order that should make sense, although they are all from women... deuce doesn't have gender)
  1. I didn't get drunk for the past six months. - then this might get interesting...
  2. Trust me 43% of population is bisexual, I have done research. - no comment needed.
  3. Men have their G spot in their anus. -hope her boyfriends like it rough...
  4. Men like anal sex, because while they do it, they fantasize of having a penis up their anus. -ouch
  5. To see what you like, you have to experiment. -damm right!
  6. I really hope they will pass a law forbidding smoking ( after just putting out her 5Th cigarette), I need an incentive to stop. The government should help me!
  7. SOooo you have beeen baaad this year! ( drunken, deuce (parkelj) screaming... he nearly overturned) - am still sorry to punish such a good girl by bringing her near this ashole.
  8. I have the constitution on the backseat of my car. -every lawyers wettest dream.

Lots of fun...A few beers and its beneficial substances always help!

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