Sunday, November 11, 2007

What is digital piracy? No, really...

  • This policy of Canadian police got me thinking.
  • Although the source of this information isn't what you would call totally credible, the information it contains for me is.
  • It is next to impossible to go after file (or P2P) sharing, because every time you come up with a great idea on how to stop it, the users have something to fight it. Of course, that won't stop RIAA and similarly friendly organizations from trying to use technological measures to stop it. Oftentimes illegally.
  • But there is something much worse going on. Someone has been playing with our minds!
  • Since I know it, modern pirates were people who sold you CDs... (of software, music...), that they stole form others. In other words if they are earning money by stealing from copyright owners, they are pirates. Lending your friend a copy of a book or computer game without making money, was never called piracy. Until today.
  • File sharing is more and more often uncritically called piracy, by organizations representing copyright owners interests. It doesn't matter if 13 year old kids don't sell copies of music over P2P, if it can hurt the interests of big media companies it is piracy. Period. End of discussion.
  • The most worrying thing about that is, that some legislators (USA) have also accepted this view. And so have some big media companies, that affect public perception. (and are owned by...who?). That is why single mothers are rather easily found guilty of "piracy" and are condemned to fines exceeding 200.000$. Get those piratez!
  • I support the prosecution of people who sell other peoples creative works for money. Get those pirates! As for file sharing...I don't think that the majority of people in our society (that in fact do share files) are drinking rum, screaming arrrgh and enjoying booties.

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